Vances pov....
Finney and i spent the rest of the day together. He also convinced me to apoligize and explin to the group what happened. Not today, though. He said like tomarrow were gonna meet at his house and im gonna explain myself with his help. Bc for some reason their difficult to talk to without help. Anyways, im just happy i have finney back. Were sadly not back together but thank God hes my friend again. I lowkey didnt think he would forgive me.
"vance, im sorry but i got to go back home now. I gotta cook dinner for gwen" he says, getting off my bed. "do you really have to?" I ask, not wanting him to leave. "yes, vance..i have to go" he says, cupping my face in his hands. I notice he glances down at my lips a couple times. He slightly kisses my forehead and whispers "ill come back later tonight, if youd like" his voice was so fucking hot when he said that. My face starts heating up. I grab his waist and whisper "id love that, finn.." he smiles and walks away. As soon as i hear the front door open and close i run down the stairs, almost falling multiple times. "im guessing you guys made up??" Jane asks. "yeah! We didnt get back together, sadly. But he did kiss my forehead!!!" I exclaim, smiling big. Ew, i sound like a fucking soft bitch. anyways...i walk back to my room and i get on insta for a while. I scroll for a bit and i see a picture of finney and sam. Is this finney or sams account? Hm...oh, its sam account! Well, when i met him we were chill so i can follow him without it being weird. I wonder if finn had a account...lets see...oh, shit he does! Oh wait hes kinda famous. oh my fuck, why is he so pretty?! Vance, shut up. You are going soft for him, stop. Just because hes hella pretty dosent mean you can just go soft.
2:33 am....
Finney- hey vance
Vance- oh hey finn
Finney- you still wanna meet up?
Vance- yessss
Finney- alr go to the movie theater
Vance- omw!!!
Finney- alr, see you soon!!
Vance- yeah ig
I quickly turn my phone off and get my shoes on. I didnt bother changing into actual clothes bc like bro im a teeanger, nobody even gives a fuck what we where. Anyways, i go down stairs quietly but fastly. I didnt expect my parents to still be awake, since they have work tomarrow, but they are...of course they are oml. "oh, hey vance..where ya going?" Roy asks. "oh im meeting finney at the movie theater" i say. I see my mom smirk at me but before she can say anything cringy i leave. I get to my car and quickly get to the theater.
"hey dipshit" I say, smiling. Okay but im happy hes not dressed fancy, hes also in his pajamas. "hey vance!" He says, hugging me. I hug him back bc gay. "sooo what movie do you want to see?" He says, moving away from. Damn it, now im cold. Ugh whatever. "hm..oh! That new horror movie!!" I say, pointing to the poster. "okay!" He says, grabbing my hand and taking me to the line. We finally get to the front. "can we get two tickets to _______ please?" Finney asks. The person gives us the tickets and finney pays. We get popcorn an find good seats and wait for the movie to start. He puts the popcorn between us but hes hardly eating any. Istg if his eating disorder got worse... anyways..
Later bc i dont feel like writing all that shit
"oh my fuck...vance, a fight!!" Finney says, grabbing vances hand and running to the fight. "oh shit...they are from my school!" Finney says, laughing and pulling out his phone. "WALK EM LIKE A DOG, LINNY!!!!" someone yells. "FUCK YEAH" finney yells. "finney?" Linny asks, turning around. "DONT LOOK AT ME, DUMMY. KEEP FIGHTING!" finney says. "oh right" linny says, fighting the dude again. "holy shit!" Vance says, smiling. "ah, how i love fights" finney says, smiling. "for real---OH SHIT YOU GUYS THE COPS GOT CALLED" vance says, seeing blue lights. "FUCK" linny yells, getting off and running away.
Vance and finney run to the nearest forest bc thats a good spot to hide. " where the fuck are we now?" Vance says, walking around with finney. "idk...uhm, is that a person?" Finny says, pointing to the darkness. "it looks like it.." vance says, grabbing finnys hand once more. "........." it mumbles something but it was to quiet so finney and vance couldnt hear anything it said. "im sorry, i couldnt hear you. Could you speak up, please?" Finney asks, getting closer to vance. "fuck you." Is all they heard before footstpes begin coming closer to them. "uhm, who the fuck you think you talking to? Bitch i will litterally fuck you up right here right now--- nevermind...OH SHIT BITCH YOU AS TALL AS THAT SLENDED BITCH" finney says, shocketh. "why are you here." It asks. "oh well bc we was running away from someone and somehow jusy ended up here, sorry to disturb you, i guess.." finney says, backing up. "so yall didnt come out here to fuck?" It asks. "wtf? No.. thats just ew" finney and vance says at the sametime, with a disgusted tone. "ah, so your actual good kids, i see.." It says. "you kinda sound like my granny...oh wait shes dead." Vance says. "L imagine. Anyways, if you wanna like get out, go that way. You should be able to see a light once your close to the road. Now, be gone, children" it says. "uh, okay?" Finney says, beginning to walk the way it said. "tf was that" vance says. "fucking creepypasta type shit" finney says, chuckling. "real. But ngl it did look like my grandma.." vance says. "was she on drugs or sum shit cus that bitch was litterally a mf raisin" finney says. "uhh lowkey i think she was using heroine" vance says. "thats why she fucking died then-" finney says. "probaly- but it was about time for her to die. And i got to get all her achohol and drugs she had stored in her house...which was a lot. I actually still have some of the weed and shit.." vance says. "ooh? Yk, we should like definatly go to your house.." finney says, smirking. "uh huh. I mean, if you want" vance says. "fuck yeah i do!!" Finney says, smiling. "so we made it to the road...where the fuck even are we?" Vance says, looking around. "this looks like a place we would get kidnapped--- IS THAT THE POLICE?" finney says. "fuck.. we cant run bc they already see i guess just act normal. And if they ask what were doing, say that someone was chasing us and we was really scared so like yk we ran away but got lost and we dont know how to get back home" vance says. "woah. Idk how but that was hot. You should start being smart more often.." finney says, smiling. The cops drive up next to them and rolls down their window. "hey, you two alright?" He asks. "oh, yessir..." finney says. "what yall doing out here this late?" He asks, completly stopped now. "oh, we were just at a movie theater but this creepy person started chasing us so we ran away and we got lost. So now were trying to get home but wr dont know where we even are, sir" finney says, suprisingly conviencing the cop. "oh, damn. Well, if you want i can give yall a lift?" He says, smiling warmly. Finney looks at vance. "uhhh, sure sir. That would be nice.." vance says, returning the smile. "alright! Jump in, then!" He says unlocking the door. Finney and vance get into the back and he starts driving. "do you guys know your address?" He asks, pulling up a map on his little screen thing. "yessir, its elmes street 1232" vance says. "ah, you must be roy hoppers son, then" he says. "i am, do you perhaps know him?" Vance asks, curiously. "yes i do, actually! Were good friends, he has helped me a lot over the past years...hes a good man" he says, smiling to himself. "yeah, i guess so..." vance says, placing his hand on finneys thigh. Finney looked at his, blushing. Finney quickly gave vance a kiss on his neck and started scrolling through instagram again.
"alright, boys were here!! Tell your dad i said hey, btw please" he says, unlocking the door for us. "i will, thank you again sir william" vance says. Finney got out and so did vance, they walk to the front door and walk inside. They dont see his parents so they assume they went to bed. They rush to vances room, quickly closing the door. They sit on vances bed and soon enough, they were smoking weed and cuddling. "your kinda hot, y'know vance.." finney says, twirling one of vances curls in his finger. "your kinda pretty, aswell, finn..." vance says, placing a small kiss on finneys forehead. Before they could even react, they were kissing. It was like their lips had magnetics in them because they didnt even realize what was happening until it was happening. Once they actually comprehended what was happening, it turned into a heated make out session. (im not gonna write it bc it makes me uncomftorable and ngl makes me want to throw up, im sorry) they broke the last kiss, giggling. Finney was blushed hard asf, well vance was too. "you cant just do that" finney says, laughing. "bitch you know you liked it" vance says, smiling. "shut up" finn says, sarcasticlly.
Finney stayed at vances house for hours but he had to leave and go back home, sadly. His aunt didnt like him bein out at night, especially if she didnt know where he was going. So he decided to be a good kid, for once, and go home. "bye vance!" Finney says, kissing vances forehead. "bye dipshit" vance says, hiding the big smile plastered on his face. Finney then walked home, without getting ran over by a drunk driver or getting kidnapped 😋 (hes so lucky)
End of chapter

wrong number? [Vance x finney]
Fanfictionone day vance texts the wrong number, which happens to be finney. Vance continues to text finney for a while, they learned a lot about each other. But what if vance caught feelings for finney? Read to find out :) ⚠️TW: mention of self harm mentio...