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A couple weeks later....

Vance had been acting diffrent recently. He was more distance from the group, especially finney. No body know what was wrong, not even finney. Finney was starting to get worried about vance. He already asked jane and roy if he was okay and they said they didnt know what was wrong with him. The group didnt know what happened, but since he was more distance to finney, they thought he did something.

2 weeks later.

Finney had went homeschooled, because he had to much on his mind. He tried to ask vance what was wrong bit he never got a response. Until now.

Finney- vance are you okay? Ive already told you this a lot but youve been very distant towards the group and me. If i did anything wrong, i promise ill try my best to fix it! Just please, be okay

Vance- im fine. Stop blowing up my fucking phone.

Finney- sorry. I was just worried.

Vance- dont be. Im fucking fine.

Finney- why are you acting all bitchy?

Vance- oh my god. How hard is it to understand im fine and i dont want to talk to you? God, your so stupid.

Finney- what the fuck, vance? What did i do? I was just asking because i was worried for my boyfriend! Its a normal thing to do when you have a boyfriend!

Vance- then lets break up.

Finney- fucking fine.

Vance- what?

Finney- dont start acting like you care now, vance.

Vance- ykw fine.

They both were crying their eyes out, reading the texts over and over. Vance knew he fucked up and he didnt want to break up but he wasnt gonna show that. Vance regretted not telling finney about what happened.

Recently, vances brother was driving home and he got into a car crash. He ended up badly injured in the hospital. Then vance kept getting called slurs, his parents were getting into arguments more often, and all the questions his group and finney were asking just pissed him off. So he resulted into drinking. He went to a bar or club almost everyday, he almost cheated on finney 3 times(thabkfully, he didnt). Which made him even more mad. He stopped going to bars and clubs but he kept drinking. He was drunk or hungover everyday. In fact, he was drunk while he was texting finney. But as soon as he broke up with  finney, it was like he becane sober and understoon everything. He tried to explain but stopped because he thought finney wouldnt read it. He ran down stairs and told his parents everything. His parents understood vances and finneys decisions. They suggested to go to finneys house and apologize whenever he is actually sober.

Finney almost immediatly regretted what he did. Because as soon as he did it, he started crying. He didnt know what to do except cry. He thought he would be with vance forever, but clearly not. He remembered he was home alone and he quickly went into the bathroom and locked himself in there. He cut himself. Multiple times. Not to mention, his eating disorder had been worse ever since vance stopped talking to him. He hasnt ate anything in 2 days, and probaly more. He washed his arms and goes back to his room. He relizes that his sister is the only person he actually has left. He immediatly thought the group would choose vance because theyve been friends longer so he didnt even try to tell them anything. He calls his sister

Gwen- what do you want, finney? Im with my girlfriend

Finney- oh...sorry..its not important, sorry to interrupt..

Gwen- why are you crying.

Finney- nothing, its fine

Gwen- im coming home.

Finney- no, stay with her. Im fine, gwen

Gwen- i dont trust you being alone while being sad. I dont want you to relapse...bye susie, love you

Finney- gwen...im fine, i promise..

Gwen- im almost home dont do anything stupid, finn..

Finney-i wont.

Gwen ran as fast as she could. She made it to their house and quickly ran to his room, ignoring the yelling of her aunt and henry. "finney!! Finn...omg, are you okay?! Whats wrong?" Gwen says, sittting beside him. She pulls him into a hug. He shakily pulls out his phone and showed her the screen shot of the argument he had with vance. "finn..its okay, im sure he didnt want to break up.." she says, trying to make him feel just a little bit better. "yes he did! He wouldnt have said it if he didnt..gwen, be honest. Would it be better for everyone if i just...wasnt here like if i moved in with idk our other aunt? Or if i wasnt here at all.." He asked, looking her in her eyes. Gwen couldnt hold back the tears, they start falling. "no, finney! Dont fucking talk like that! It would be fucking hell if you werent here. Id be dead if you werent here! Finn, everyone you met needs you. And vance needs you. Im sure hes just going through something right now...so please dont move in with her.." gwen says, holding her brother in her arms. After a while, finney fell asleep.

About 2 days later....

"i cant do this anymore! I need to apoligize." Finney says, crying. "okay, finney.. just be careful on your way there." "I will...love you, gwen" finney says, walking out the door.

"I need to apoligize to finney! I need him back, mom!" Vance says. "okay, hunny. Just dont punch a bitch on your way there." Jane says, hugging him. "i wont, ma" vance says. Vance opens the door just as finney was about to knock. "oh..are you going somewhere? I can come back later.." finney says, with a sad expression. "i was going to go to your house..um, lets talk in my room?"  Vance asks. "yeah," finney agrees. He walks in and vance leads him to his room.

They get to vances room and closes the door. Immediatly they both apoligize at the same time. They chuckle at each other. "um, i guess you can say your side first?" Vance asks. "okay, i will..." finney says. "um, so vance, i came over to apoligize because of what i said. I said some pretty rude things and i feel really bad about it. I dont know what your going through and i was selfish because i took my anger out on you. And im really, really sorry." Finney says, grabbing vances hands. Vance feels his face heat up and tears forming in his eyes. "its not your fault, finn..i shouldve just told you what happened..then this shit wouldve never had happened." Vance starts. "did something happen?" Finney asks, putting his hand on vances face. "uh, yeah...my brother was driving home but he got in a bad accident and hes in the hospital right now. And my parents started to argue a lot more, then all the questions from the group and you made me overwhelmed and get pissed. And i understand why you were asking questions, so its not your fault. I was just already hella mad from the argument i had and then i just let my anger out on you without meaning to. So im sorry, finn.." vances says, melting into finneys touch. Finney pulls him into a hug. "do you forgive me..?" Vance asks, rubbing finneys side. "of course i do..i couldnt stay mad at you.." finney says, wrapping his arms around vances midsection. "do you forgive me, though?" Finney asks, looking up at vance. "id be fucking stupid not too" vance says, cupping finneys face. "so...you wanna be friends again?" Vance adds, smiling "Yeah" finney says, chuckling. "thank god. I was fucking lonley without you" Vance says, picking finney up and spinning them around. "wtf- your mood change is crazy." Finney says, laughing.

They talked for hours, just happy to be friends again. They both already wanted to be more, but they both know it would be akward and to soon. So they settled with being friends.

End of chapter

Ik this is horrible and im sorry😭🙏🏼 I TRIED MY BEST TO BASE THE BREAK UPS WITH MINE BUT THAT DIDNT REALLY MAKE SENSE SO I HAD TO MAKE THIS. so yeah, sorry if its boring or stupid!! <3

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