Civilian Tommy

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Tommy tried to ignore the fuzzy warnings pulsating through his mind as he walked through the rubbish-filled streets of L'manberg City. He didn't have much to do when he got home, but he still made haste so he could avoid getting mugged or murdered. It would be really embarrassing if he died, considering his family.

His father, Philza, was the number one hero. And his brothers Wilbur and Techno, second and third place heroes respectively. They, with their bloodbending and mind control, had followed in their father's footsteps. And that was great.! Tommy had no problem with that. It was just....

He slowed down and picked up speed again. careful to not stop for too long.

It was times like this Tommy almost regretted moving in with his friends and wished he'd stayed in the apartments. He loved his father, but perhaps ending up like his traumatised, perpetually at home brothers was something he was trying to avoid. Which was how Tommy, 16-year-old private-school student Tommy. Was walking home to his apartment in Logstedshire or 'the Logs', as the locals called it.

At first he'd been petrified of walking home alone, in the Logstedshirian dark. But over time, the sensation had shrunk to a small fear that still clung to him, no matter how much the energy swung about precariously, sticking tighter whenever he was a witness or, prime forbid, a victim of some violent robbery or assault. Being a small, gangly teenager wasn't quite a good deterrent to criminals.

"Tommyinnit, I'm pog as shit!" He sang quietly, practically humming. When he sang, the long, straight, tedious walk home seemed almost like a portal, going directly from the door of his work to the third-floor apartment 3C of Tnret, a low-income apartment he'd been living in for a few months. Of course, it wasn't, and the walk was still just as dangerous, but if Tommy knew one thing it was that he could play pretend.

"Tommyinnit! So much fun, Tommyinnit-" He cuts himself off, hearing a clattering noise so loud he felt as though his air drums might fall off. Of course, that was ridiculous, but just as ridiculous as hearing such a loud noise that late at night. It just had to be a criminal, it just had to, because who else would be making such a sound other than a criminal attempting to catch some prey.

"Hello?" he asked, walking closer to the clearly dangerous alleyway, (despite his better judgement) which also reeked of piss (the human kind, which, what the fuck? There where public toilets less than five minutes away, which were used by the druggies, but it wasn't that bad) So much that Tommy didn't even want to get near it.

Then there was another sound, the sound of someone running, echoed through about 100 metres of an extremely echoey alleyway. Tommy ran to the alley with wide eyes, somehow calming waves flowing through him from his power despite the clearly dangerous situation. Unless....?

Perhaps the alley dweller making the noise was a victim of a crime. Tommy looked forward, leaned over, and sprinted through the dark tunnel-like path as far as his feet could take him.

"Are you in danger?" he shouted, his lungs wheezing as he followed the sound of the person running away. He hoped his words would signal to whoever it was that he was no danger, but everyone had a different mind so Tommy didn't know how that would affect Tommy, if they weren't a criminal, after all.

Though his power said it was okay, so it must be right. Right? His powers had never been wrong. Even when that one villain had gone undercover to kidnap him as a child. Oh, how he begged Phil to not drop him off. There'd never been babysitters that hadn't gone through a background check after that, and Tommy couldn't have been more relieved.

He ran quicker, as fast as his untrained legs could go. As he rounded a corner, he spotted cloaked figure in the distance, but felt the same calming, safe signals he got from his friends. It was ever-present and so thick it almost made him feel sick, as if his power was trying to convince him he was okay after all, that whoever he was chasing after was someone to be trusted. Almost suspiciously so.

TommyInnit Oneshots January 2024Where stories live. Discover now