Streaming Sadness

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Perhaps, had Thomas Simons not ran from his third foster home, the undeniable tragedy which his life became could have been avoided. Had Thomas, though he preferred to go by Tommy, been raised instead with love and support, he may not have found it elsewhere as he did. Some hailed Tommy as their personal saviour, others complained he'd changed their brain chemistry. But one thing remained true: he was a twitch streamer.

"Eugh" Tommy groaned as he sat down in his gaming seat with a can of Coca-Cola, "I'm ready to play some Minecraft!" He sang, to the entertainment and second-hand embarrassment of those watching. On that particular day, he was waiting to play Minecraft with Wilbur Soot, a fellow streamer, but Wilbur's journey to his office was taking a bit longer than expected.

"How are you all today?" He asked, enunciating the final word in a strange Tommyish fashion that not even his regular viewers had grown used to. Still, Tommy was far from a lolcow, his viewers loved him for and despite it, they liked his silly way of speaking and his chaotic and sometimes downright insane demeanour. He was a favourite of many, he was an idol but most importantly, he was parasocially a friend to so many of his community.

The chat spammed their answers, varying from "GOOD" to "I WANT TO DIE!", though he didn't think anything of it beyond an exaggeration.

"Good, good," He said, and when he heard the usual sound of a discord join sound, excitedly sat up more. Because he was speaking to Wilbur, his brother, one of his best friends, a man he trusted beyond reason. And Wilbur had proven himself time and time again when they'd met up to bond and vlogged it. In fact, Tommy would even refer to the older as his big brother, even if Wilbur denied it in front of the cameras.

"Hey Wilbur." Tommy said calmly, because Wilbur had told him to work on being a bit quieter.

"Tommy." Wilbur returned, to which Tommy absolutely beamed.

"So, uh, I've got a vlog gun left, Wil. You're not going to be getting that back any time soon." He announced egotistically, and picked it up. His room wasn't the largest, so everything was basically in arms reach and his PC was on a board on his bed, which wasn't exactly the best streaming situation, but he still of course used the stock image of a bedroom as his background, because that way it would require less question asking and people whining about missing his old room half the time.

"Cool, Tommy, I'll be sure to shoot you with it if you get too annoying." Wilbur joked, which Tommy awkwardly smiled at. It was always a bit saddening to hear the 'annoying Tommy' jokes all the time, but he knew if he leaned into it like with his YouTube intros, people would like him more.

"Oh, shit! When are we meeting next?" Tommy asked, booting up Minecraft. His PC wobbled slightly as he moved to and fro in excitement. It was always a good day to hear about a potential meetup: more time with his friends? Fuck yeah!

"I don't know... maybe in a few months?" Wilbur asked, at which Tommy frowned.

"A few months?! It's been at least two since our last meetup, I want to see you more! Tommy whined.

The chat spammed agreements, though a few errant chatters complained that he was too annoying. Relieved, he noticed their messages were getting purged by the mods and drowned out by the support and constant agreement from his fans. Streaming could be tough like that, and he was always careful to not take what was said to him to heart. The constant harassment from a small few could not be held to the same weight as ten times as many people saying the exact opposite.

"Let's play Minecraft now, Tommy." Wilbur declared, which Tommy took as a silent request to have a conversation after the stream.

The stream went by as normal: usual streamer chaos. Wilbur started another cult, Wilbur disbanded another cult and Phil and Techno joined intermittently, but neither of the two actually joined the game. Crimeboys fans rejoiced at the sight of the two's characters running amok on a new server, and the usual petty drama. And after about three hours, Wilbur ended his stream.

TommyInnit Oneshots January 2024Where stories live. Discover now