First day of school

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Moscow's POV

"Moscow! Get up! It's your first day of school!" Папа yelled from downstairs. 'First day of school' are the dreaded words I've been hearing for the past month. UN had a school built for all of us capitals and states because he insisted that a lot of us don't have the "best" education, which I think is stupid because I already graduated high school like 30 or 40 years ago, this is bullshit. Папа came into my room and straight up picked me up and put me on my feet, "I said get up, now get ready, if we're late, UN will be pissed," he said, "fiiiiinnnnneeeee, but UN won't get mad, he'll just get upset, but I don't see why I have to go to school, I already have a diploma!" I whine, leaning against папа, half asleep, "UN finds it necessary as a lot of y'all haven't have schooling in years, and it gives you all something to do for the day, and UN doesn't require all the countries working for the school to do their paperwork, and you'll make more friends, so I find it as a win, so get dressed," папа leaves my room after patting my head and I begrudgingly get ready for the day. I take a shower then put on a soft, dark red sweater, a pair of jeans, a pair of dark red boots, and my ushanka. I brush my teeth and go downstairs and sit at the table while папа makes eggs or something for breakfast.

"Eat up," папа says, placing a plate of scrambled eggs, a few pieces of bacon, and a bowl of raspberry yogurt, "thank you папа, do you have my schedule? I couldn't find it in my room," I said, beginning to eat the breakfast, "I put it in your backpack, but you shouldn't have to worry, I'm your homeroom so you can just stay with me in my classroom this morning, but after this day you have to at least try and hang out with others," папа said while he ate his own breakfast, "nooooooo! All the other capitals are dicks," "watch that language son, I might let you use it, but if you say it around any of your other teachers, you'll get in big trouble," "you're not my teacher right now, but sorry, all the other capitals are jerks," "I know you don't like most of the capitals, but maybe you can make friends at school, you are mostly around European capitals, so maybe, while at school, you'll make friends with capitals from other continents, or friends with a U.S. state," папа reassured, I just sighed and went back to my eggs.

~After Breakfast~

Папа drives down the road to this fancy ass academy looking high school with the UN logo on the front of it. Папа parks in the employee parking lot and leads me through the massive building to his classroom. He was given the job of history professor, so his room was decorated with many country flags and maps and shit. I helped him with the decorating, so I knew what it looked like already. "School starts in half an hour, so you have time to explore the school and find out where your classes are, I believe some capitals are already here, so try to make friends," папа said, "fine, I'll see you later папа," I said, but before I could leave his classroom, папа kissed my head and said, "bye my baby!" I quickly got out of the room before папа could be even weirder.

On my schedule, I had eight classes: history, math, a cooking class (папа said I should learn how to cook), reading, gym, science, a class about taking care of animals, and office aid, everything else seemed boring so I decided to get the class where I wouldn't have to do shit for 45 minutes. I knew where my history class was already because it was папа's class, so I just needed to find the others. My math teacher was China, which I thought was stereotypical but папа said that UN just chose some countries to be teachers and they chose what class they wanted to teach. I found his class and he was just talking to Beijing while he wrote down some basic information about himself on the whiteboard. I decided not to bother them, especially since I hated Beijing, and I went to find my next class, cooking, whose teacher was Italy. The cooking class was much bigger than the other classrooms, but that's probably because it has a cooking station for at least 20 kids. Italy was cooking something in a pot, probably pasta or something, when he noticed I was in the room and he greeted me by saying, "hello Moscow! I didn't know they were letting students in so early," "oh, they aren't, my папа just let me in so I could find my classes," I explained, "where's Rome?" "Oh, I didn't think students could come inside the school this early, and he wanted to walk here with his friends, so I left him home," I nodded and said my goodbyes to Italy so I could find the rest of my classes.

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