America tells a story

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(Angsty shit)

Russia's POV

UN decided that the first Friday of the school year would have a faculty meeting, and it sucked ass. He was mostly just asking us how school has been so far and if there has been any problems with students, the only thing fun about the meeting was the stories the teachers were telling about embarrassing things happening in the classroom. "Kyiv yelled something in my class about North Korea and I and I think Moscow is traumatized," China said, rubbing his temples while looking down at the table, "how the fuck did you traumatized my son? He's already traumatized enough and therapy is expensive!" I said, worried about the things that my son heard, "it was, uh," China's voice got quieter, "me and North Korea fucking..." ASEAN spat out his drink and started choking, "I-I fucking knew it-" he choked out, "I though y-you both were acting weird, so I thought you were hiding something- and I-I thought you both were doing each other-" ASEAN laughed after he got over hus coughing fit, and NATO begrudgingly handed him a $100 bill, "you bastard," he muttered. "Um, that's, upsetting? About Moscow and Kyiv- not about your relationship, congratulations on dating North Korea?" UN said, probably not understanding how to feel about the situation, "the worst part was Beijing and Pyongyang are in my second period with Kyiv and Moscow, I'm going to have to explain so much when I get home..." China groaned and slammed his head on the table, making everyone jump.

"Oh, that reminds me, Italy, America," I started, "what?" The said in unison, glaring at each other afterwards, "you both made Moscoe throw up, before lunch," "what? How? We were just trying different foods with white chocolate, how did he throw up?" Italy asked, America just stayed silent, "Moscow hates chocolate covered strawberries, and America made them run in class, it upset Moscows stomach so he threw up in the bathroom, Alaska told me," I explained, kind of upset that they made Moscow sick, "oh, sorry dude, I didn't mean to make him sick, I was just trying something new with the kids," America said, actually looking remorseful, "I'll try not to have Moscow eat something that'll make him sick, I only had a list of student allergies, on Monday it's just us trying different types of pasta noodles prepared in different ways, so he shouldn't get sick form that," Italy said, "that's great, thank you," I nodded and the two and leaned back in my chair. "Speaking of change, America, what's with Texas' headphones? I got the email about to let him wear them because of issues, but it wasn't very specific," Britain asked, "oh, Texas' ears are very sensitive and he has C-PTSD from, uh, his childhood, and sometimes loud noises, mostly yelling, freak him out and send him into a panic attack, so headphones," he explained, "C-PTSD? What's that?" EU asked, "complex post traumatic stress disorder, it's like an extreme version of PTSD, Texas has most symptoms, but not all," WHO explained, "actually, thinking about it now, I don't think Texas came to take his pills today," WHO said, lost in thought, thinking back on the day, "well shit," America started, smiling painfully, "and Moscow's never been around a freaked out Texas," Amercia started texting someone, possibly one of his kids to make Texas take him medication.

"Why does Texas have CPTSD? I know PTSD is caused from trauma, but how is CPTSD causes? Worse trauma?" Italy asked, "uh, yeah, sort of, its most ling term forms of abuse, Texas' is caused by, uh, long term child abuse," America seemed very uncomfortable talking about it, he normally doesn't talk about his kids past because most of them are fucked up, but I want to know more about how fucked Texas is, I don't want to accidently have Texas have a panic attack in my class, "could you explain more? I wouldn't want to accidently strike a nerv with Texas," I asked, I trying to be gentle with the topic, your own children being hurt is something I know of way to well, "well, I don't have the full details because Texas was too young and scared to explain, I only remember how I got him," America said.

America's POV

I tried to think back to when I first found Texas, it was so long ago, but anything having to deal with my children being hurt is something I remember everyday. "Well, uh, it happened about 1852, I and all the states I had at the time we were reading a little story, Texas had been presumed missing and dead for less than a year now and California was very upset, though at the time I was trying to comfort him," not off to a great start, everyone look confused, and my other children NATO, UN, and WHO, looked uncomfortable, they've heard the story, they've heard all the stories, and all the stories are very uncomfortable.

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