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Secret Admirer (Request)
A/N: "Loli complex" - Mash Burnedead
Requester: @Kawaiirunaa

The group seems to be hanging around the forest waiting for an assignment to be assigned by the teacher. As they were conversing with each other, a certain (h/c) person walked up to the group. The dark haired boy looked their way.

"Hey there! Your name is Mash, right?", you shouted, while getting closer towards the unique crowd of people.

"Do I know you?", the mushroom head male monotonously asked, with a blank expression on his face. "Mash! That is Y/N L/N, another first year two liner from Adler dorm", Finn replied to Mash's question towards the person, he sounded panicky, not just because Mash sounded disrespectful, but you were a two liner. "You can't go around saying that to people that greet you..", the blue haired boy added on, almost lecturing Mash with a straight face.

"Well I was going to introduce myself, but freckles over already did", a sweat dropped from your face, while struggling it off. "But yeah, I'm Y/N. And I don't mean any harm", you raised your hands to the sky, indicating that you weren't going to use any magic against the group. Finn took a breather, thinking that the (h/c) person wasn't going to hurt his friends. However, Lance looked over towards you suspiciously, he didn't really trust them. "I promise my soul that I mean no harm, I just wanna be friends", speaking with an awkward smile, you didn't really like the feeling of someone glaring you down.

"Ok", Mash answered monotonously without consulting his other friends. "Yay!", you cheered with joy and your hands in the air, Mash, Finn, and Lemon joined in with the cheering. The blue haired male, however, continued looking at the (h/c) person with suspicion.

The group was split up, one group consisted of Mash and some red haired boy, another with Lance, Finn, you and Lemon. They entered the forest looking for the scorpions that the groups are supposed to hunt. Your group was wandering around the woods, looking closely for anything big and purple. Lance wasn't really paying attention, his eyes were looking directly at the (h/c) person, you, who cluelessly walking around the forest area to complete the assignment.

But him not paying attention, led to a large scorpion sneaking up on him. "Lance, Watch out!", Lemon yelled towards her blue haired friend. Before Lance could turn around to meet the large creature's claw, the (h/c) person, he was staring at, appeared instantly in front of him, activating one of your spells.


Sharp gust of wind blew towards the monster with a stone, destroying its shell and body due to the speed of the wind blades. The scorpion died right there, leaving the silver on the ground. "You alright? You look a bit distracted before", turning your head around to meet Lance's gaze. His eyes widened due to the sheer shock of the (h/c) person's speed. "Uh, hello? You in there?", looking at him confused. To say the least, Lance was impressed by your skills.

"Uh, yeah I'm fine", his face returned back expressionless. "Alright then", you picked up the silver piece the scorpion had dropped, before walking past Lance to continue on the search. That was... huh.. He was still recovering from that moment, looking towards the (h/c) person. "Hey! I think I found something!", you wave your hand excitedly towards the group, smiling brightly. A large scorpion pops out of nowhere, scaring Finn and Lemon to death. Oh boy, they attract trouble... Lance's expression looked at them blankly, as Lemon and Finn grabbed onto both of his legs for protection.
The sun was already setting, and all of the groups had arrived at the original stop they were in during the afternoon.

Y/N and Lance stood beside each other as the rest conversed with Mash and his new 'rival', Dot. "Thanks", Lance started, while still looking at the rest of his friends. It was quite sudden. "Hm? What for?", you tilted your head slightly to look at Lance. "For saving me from that monster", Lance continued with his gratitude, his face had softened a little. A smile rested upon your lips, as you continued to look at him. "Well that's what friends are for ain't it?", a soft laugh came from the (h/c) person. Lance found himself making full eye contact with you.

The soft orange light from the sun made your skin glow beautifully, making the blue haired male look at you longer than usual. "Is something wrong?", side eyeing Lance's face, the blue hair boy looked away quickly.

"No nothing's wrong"

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