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Rabbit problem
A/N: Not gonna lie, this thought really just popped into my small feeble brain so enjoy while I work on a request— I also tried to keep the character as cannon as possible.
Walking around the school, Y/N hadn't have a thought that came to their mind. They looked around the school, seeing students conversing with each other and having the time of their lives. This particular day didn't really seem to be as chaotic as they thought. As they thought—

Y/N had decided to take their walk outside, wandering around the forest nearby the school. It was still really calming. Feeling the warm breeze blowing against their hair, smelling the sweet scent of flowers within the wind. The sun was still high above in the sky, along with the fluffy white clouds. They hummed in satisfaction at the natural surroundings of the forest. However, something had caught their attention. Y/N eyed the bush beside them, being on guard just in case it was something dangerous.

They took out their wand, ready to attack, but it was just a rabbit. It seemed injured, and holding a stick in its mouth. Y/N looked at it blankly, the rabbit seemed to have dual colored fur, dark green and yellow. The rabbit looked very familiar to Y/N, as they continued to observe it even closer. The dual colored rabbit instinctively backed away, but that didn't stopped Y/N from coming closer. "Poor thing, here..", they started to heal the rabbits wound with their magic. The rabbit seemed to have loosened up a little and hopped closer to Y/N.

"... you are so fluffy and adorable", Y/N picked up the rabbit into their arms. They started to scratch the rabbits little head, but it hit Y/N's finger away coldly. "Ow, you're starting to remind me of someone", glaring at the rabbit who had hit their finger away. It seems to look away suspiciously, avoiding all eye contact with Y/N.

"Eh, I'm still gonna keep you though. Im gonna name you Ray", they began to walk back to school, with the dual colored rabbit in their hands. The rabbit stared at Y/N with a stern expression. "While on the topic of names, I haven't seen Rayne around the school today", Y/N questioned why walking back towards the building.

While in their arms, the rabbit looked at them with a judging look, almost as if it could understand what they were saying. But they ignored the rabbit's intense gaze, and arrived at the school's building. "I think you and Rayne would be best friends", Y/N randomly commented, as they walked through the corridors of the school.

They finally reached their dorm room with the rabbit in arms. "There you go Ray", Y/N placed it down on their fluffy bed. "You must be hungry, I'mma go check if there's any carrots around", Y/N walked out of the room, wand still in their hand. The dual colored rabbit finally dropped the stick from its mouth, the small animal still had a cold expression on its face.

"Alright! I'm finally back", entering the room with carrots in their hands. Y/N saw the rabbit lying on one of their pillows, with its snout dug into it. They looked very confused, after all they weren't a rabbit expert. "Well I guess it's very sleepy?", taking a wild guess, but ignored it anyways. "It is getting dark", they said looking out the windows. "Eh, good night little rabbit", giving the dual colored rabbit a small kiss on the head. Going towards the bathroom to start on their night routine, Y/N finally finished and laid beside the sleeping rabbit.

Unsuspectingly, the rabbit woke up while Y/N was still asleep. Crawling closer to their face, the dual colored rabbit kissed the sleeping person directly on the lips. The small animal went back to sleep, letting the spell slowly break.

It was morning and Y/N started to wake up from their slumber, however, they felt something warm holding them. They blinked, a couple of times, trying to register what position they were in. Looking up, they saw the missing magic user, Rayne, sleeping away peacefully.

Huh- what

Y/N pinched themselves, thinking that they were dreaming.

Nope, definitely awake.

They pinched themselves once again, thinking that they didn't pinch hard enough. Before Y/N could do it again, someone grabbed them by their arm. "Stop doing that", a voice grumbled, it was quite deep due to it being the morning. Rayne had awakened from his sleep, looking down at Y/N. Their face flushed red, Holy crap this is real.

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