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Rain and a Rainbow
A/N: Requested from tiktok
Warning: slight angst, reader controls the weather with their emotions, loss of parental figures, loss of friends.

They're such a weirdo.
They make everything so gloomy, I don't want to play with them.
They look so heartless.

Oh.. You stood there soak under the rain. Eyes filled with sorrow, yet there was a lack of tears streaming down your eyes. You held onto the wand, the wand your parents had left behind, seeking the little comfort it gave you. You did feel emotions, but you never knew how to express them. So, You weren't heartless were you?

You've gotten older, yet you seem to haven't changed a bit. You wandered around the orphanage, with the constant sound of rain pounding against the windows. With every step, you traced every line of the orphanage walls. Every small detail.

Being lost in your own thoughts as you continue your small walk, you bump into the lady that brought you in. A kind hearted willow, she seems to always be visiting you with a smile. You never knew why, why would she smile at such a gloomy person? Her visit today was to inform you about a school that she had enrolled you to. It was a way to harness your magic, to allow control. You nodded your head in response simply because you didn't know how to really react.

Here you are, in a completely new environment, it felt full yet feels empty. Except that you were actually learning something new, something that makes you feel accepted. But the rain continues to pour. It seems never ending, never changing, drip, drip, drop.
Drip, drip, drop.

You sat outside in the field, letting the rain pour onto you as you sat there.
Drip, drip, drop.

"Hey, do you want a cream puff?" Huh? There was a slight shadow over your head, the feeling of rain had stopped, yet the sound was still there. You looked up, blinking dumbfounded. You see a dark haired male with a neutral expression, chewing on a pastry, and holding up an umbrella. He was looking directly at you, his yellow eyes glistening. "Uh sure?", you responded, he grabbed a pastry from his cloak and handed over.

"There, now you can be happy", you blinked again at his comment, happy? You look down at the pastry and bit into it.

The rain that had been there all your life, the rain that tortured you constantly with its sounds, had finally ended. "Oh look, a rainbow", The dark haired male pointed out. Yeah, I think this is the feeling of happiness.

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