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Cupcakes and Sweets 🍭
A/N: I'm in pain while writing this, literally. 😔

Aimlessly, you traverse the corridors, trying to look for something specific. You weren't really familiar with the school yet, so getting lost was an easy thing to do. Slowly but surely you were getting tired from aimlessly walking around. You had visited literally everywhere but the kitchen. "Where the heck is the kitchen?", grumbling under your breath, your craving for sweets grew.

"It's like the kitchen grew legs and started running from me or something", your mood changed to one of an angry person.

"Also, where is everyone?", thinking that you could've asked someone for help. Your face puffed up all pouty. As you continued to walk, you saw a group of people up a head, quickly bringing up your mood. "Hey! I'm in need of help!", shouting to the group, trying to get their attention. A seemingly dark haired male turned his head towards your voice.

"Who are you?", he asked with a monotone voice, while tilting his head in confusion. The male stared at you blankly, trying to see if he could remember a person like you. "Well, I'm Y/N L/N and I'm trying to find where the kitchen is", you huffed after running towards his direction.

"And well.. I'm kind of lost", awkwardly looking away from the boy's eyes. "Oh. Well it's where you came from, you just missed the door", he answered blankly, staring at the stranger person. You turned around and saw a sign hanging up below the door he pointed towards. The sign read in large letters Kitchen. Your jaw dropped, you had passed by this door multiple times already before the dark haired male had pointed it out.

Shaking your head, you turned your attention back towards the male. "Thank you so much!", unconsciously, you hugged the boy with much gratitude and ran towards the kitchen door. What a strange girl, not as strange as Lemon though. The dark haired male blankly stared at your retreating form.

Wait. Just then the dark haired male realized that he hadn't introduced himself to you. Oops.

At last, you were able to bake a few delectables and was still baking a few more things. However you were very busy in fact, you didn't notice a familiar male standing at the entrance of the kitchen. He was just stopping by to check up on you, but caught a scent of baked pastries, making his mouth water.

You had a weird feeling that someone was watching you, so you looked towards the door and was met with the same dark haired male drooling while staring at the sweets on the counter.

"You want some?" The boy nodded, entering the kitchen fully to try one of your many sweets you had baked.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06 ⏰

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