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Perfect the way You are
A/N: being bombarded with request 😔
Warning: guaranteed to have sensitive topics, but it will be fluffy, either way if you're uncomfortable with anything weight related you don't need to read it, 🙏 (also smh Dot)

You always seem to find yourself staring at any sort of reflection. Whether it would be a mirror or even a window, you were always met with a vision of your younger self, being slightly thicker side. Even though, you had lost weight, your past always seemed to have ways to haunt you. Through the way you eat, through the way dark thoughts always find their way back into your mind.

Nevertheless, you had managed to slowly recover from your way of thinking, through the help of your parents's support. But one thing still remains the same, it was the portion of food you would eat.

In time, though, your confidence had also improved, it was enough to ask your parents if you could go to school again.

And to your surprise, they allowed you to. Although they had agreed to let you go to school, tears were flowing down your parents's eyes, finding themselves proud of your improvement on your self image. It was safe to say that they cared a lot about you and your mental health, seeing that your parents had bombarded you with many questions, 'Would you be ok?!' 'Do you know a way to contact us?!' 'Update us whenever you can!'.

The usual things concern parents would say. It took you about an hour reassuring them that you were okay, and that they shouldn't have to worry too much. Eventually they finally left, letting you to go into the school of magic at last.

During the months in school, you had made friends, which would then lead to the creation of friend group consisting of Mash, Lance, Lemon, Finn, and Dot. They had truly made you feel comfortable, they had made you feel safe. That safe feeling almost made you forget about your experience from the past. Yet somehow it was brought up once again.

You were at a picnic with the group, enjoying your time and the company they gave you. There was a variety of foods, spread on the table, making your eyes shine brightly. As you were ecstatic, wanting to try each dish that had caught your eyes. So, you grabbed a bite, tasting each delicacy your friends had brought. You haven't noticed but they were all looking at you, smiling. They were glad they finally got to see you eat, knowing that you usually held in your hungry when it came to hanging out.

But that's when Dot decided to speak up, "You know.. if you keep eating too much you're gonna get fat", with a smirk, it was a friendly gesture but it seems to have triggered something within you.

There was a sudden stop in your motion. Like you suddenly froze, the fork from your hand dropped onto your plate. Fat. That word was repeated over and over again in your head. It was like a key to destroying the wall you build around that experience. You closed your mouth, pursing your lips. Your mind started to cloud itself, filling it with dark thoughts you had pushed away long ago.

"Rig-" "What's wrong with that?", a voice had spoken up, interrupting you in the process, it was monotonous, very recognizable. Huh? Your eyes wandered to the sound of the voice. It was Mash, he was munching on a cream puff as he spoke. "I think that's what makes them unique", Mash continued to express his thoughts, you had a shock expression resting upon your face. You felt kind of weird, in a good way.

"Mash, I was joking..", Dot tried to defend himself, but the dark haired male look at him confused. "But aren't jokes supposed to be funny?"

Note: Love yourselves people 👹

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