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Running, running, running

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Running, running, running. She wouldn't stop running. Adrenaline coursed through her body, but she didn't care. Adeleine was running for her life. She could hear the monsters roaring, and the sound reverberated through her, giving her goosebumps.

She could see the faint glowing lights, just beyond the hill. It was like the gods were taunting her, giving her what she desperately wanted, but putting it strategically out of reach from her to have her wanting more.

She ran past a small clearing, before she was enveloped in a dark thick forest. Her four other companions were either ahead of her, or behind her. She wouldn't look behind her to see if they were okay. She knew the moment she did, it would be game over.

Running, running, running, away from an army sent to destroy her friend. A friend she thought of like a sister. A sister who Adeleine would fight her way through hell for.

Running, running, running.

They were almost there. The warm colors breached through the forest, illuminating her skin. Her heart was pounding in her chest, ready to explode. Her legs felt like jelly, and were ready to give out from under her. They had finally reached the top of the hill. Cabins shed light onto the hill and surrounding areas. Home.

She wanted to celebrate. Her friends were ahead of her, finally reaching the home turf, alerting the other demigods of the trouble looming over them.

It was then that Adeleine heard a blood curdling battle cry and she made the mistake of turning back.

There, just meters away, stood the Furies of Death. The Kindly Ones, that were so kind they wouldn't show a child mercy. Two companions stopped, gently tugging at her to keep on going.

It was then that she realized something. She had stopped running. She was frozen in fear, and at any moment, the monsters would reach her.

The two companions shared a look, one that would haunt Adeleine for years on end, before one of them charged at the monsters, and the other forcefully pulled her toward him.

She raked her mind for anything to do, but she wasn't a daughter of wisdom or of last minute strategies. She watched helplessly as her friend, her sister, charged at the monsters, and thunder roared. There was nothing she could do for her anymore, and even in the distance she could hear the growling of hellhounds.

The trust and the blood bond that was swiftly formed, gone and shattered. She had stopped running.

It was Thalia Grace's sacrifice, but it was Adeleine Median's fault. It would always be Adeleine's fault. People would tell stories of what truly happened that night on Half Blood Hill, twisting the truth to suit the imagination, but Adeleine knew what happened.

She had stopped running. She tried escaping her fate, and as a result an innocent soul paid the price. Thalia Grace paid the price for her existence.

For as long as she was alive, Adeleine Median swore upon the River Styx that night, she would never stop running.

Running, running, running.

Running, running, running

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