Chapter 4: Denial, Nicknames, Ducklings, and Dreams

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After a minute or two of watching Rapumzel run around, I saw her slow down, now looking at bit solemn.

"I shouldn't have done this...I'm a terrible daughter."
She then perked up again, "I regret nothing!" Then...running around before stopping.
"I should go back..." She started walking in the direction of the tower, before starting to roll around, and yelled, "I am never going back!"

In all honesty, I was confused. What is she doing? I asked myself. Suddenly, she had disappeared. After a moment, I heard a scream. I unsheathed my sword, and cut through some bushes to see Rapunzel, sitting next to a rabbit.

"It's soo cute!" She exclaimed.

I rolled my eyes and sighed, turning around and going back to the small clearing, Raps following suit. Soon, she started running around again.

She then stopped again, and I tilted my head. What is she gonna say now?

"Ugh...worse day ever..." She then suddenly started swinging around a tree with her hair. "BEST DAY EVER!!" She yelled.
I did a face-palm, putting my hand on my hip as she stopped and sat on a tree root.

"This will kill mother!" Rapunzel said, putting her head in her hands.

I sighed. "Look, Raps-" I realized what I had called her. Seeing she had no reaction, I sighed in relief, and continued. "Look, it won't kill your mother, I'm sure. I've disobeyed my father multiple times, and all it's earned me is a long, stern, lecture."

Rapunzel looked up at me with tears in her emerald eyes. "Really..?"

I nodded.

"'re right. We should probably get going now, right?"

"Yep. Come on."

Soon, we began walking through the forest, when I saw something- someplace, rather. Anyway, it may help with, catch Rider.

"Come this way, Raps." I said, turning down a path towards The Snuggly Duckling.

"The...Snuggly Duckling? Are there ducklings in there?" Rapunzel asked, tilted her head, a small smile plastered on her face.

"Uhm- no, not exactly. It's a place where people like thugs and ruffians go. It's also one of our best bets at locating Rider."

Rapunzel's smile faded. "Ruffians...and...and thugs?

Shoot...I forgot she's been cooped up in a tower, I probably scared her.

"Uhm- d-don't worry though. Just stick close to me, and you'll be fine. I promise."

Rapunzel nodded and got a bit too close for comfort.

"Not that close, Raps."

"When did you start calling me that?"

"Not long ago."

"Can I uhm- call you 'Cass' then?"

"Go for it."

"Oh, uhm- alright, Cass... so we'll be able to find Flynn Rider's location in here?" Rapunzel questioned.

"Hopefully." I answered. In all honesty, I wasn't sure.

When we entered the pub, most eyes turned on us. One of the thugs even grabbed Rapunzel's hair, examining it.

"This is some strange hair you got here. Wonder how it would sell..." The thug stated.

Rapunzel let out a small shriek, and I turned around. "Hey, let. Her. Go."

"Or what, pretty lady? It's not like you can do anything."

Now I was angry. I took one of my daggers and held it at his throat. "Let. Her. Go. Now. I will not ask again."

The thug let go of Rapunzel's hair and he held up his hands defensively. Raps staggered towards me, as her expression was now one of fear. I glared at the guy, and lowered my dagger. "That's what I thought. Now, come on, Raps..."

I cut myself short. Somehow, Rapunzel's hand had slipped into mine. I felt my cheeks getting warm, but I looked away in an attempt to hide it.

We head over to the bar, Rapunzel sitting on the one of the stools. However, I stayed standing, my expression stern.

A thug with a helmet on his head was at the bar. "Unusual to see you around here. What can I get ya." He said.

"Info on Rider." I announced.

"We don't know where he is."

"Don't play dumb with me."

"I'm serious. Where. Is. Rider?" I took out my dagger again, holding up to his neck.

"Woah, Cass! Don't hurt him!"

Ignoring Rapunzel's comment, I held the dagger closer. Another thug tried to rush at me, but I dodged, grabbing his arm and throwing him on the ground.

"Hey, hey! Guys, can't we talk this out? Haven't any of you ever had a dream?" Rapunzel intervened.

Now I regret telling her that my dream was to join the royal guard, and that to do that, I'd have to catch Rider.

The thug with the hook hand spoke up. "I...had a dream once.."
He went over to the piano, and starting playing it.

Oh my God, is he gonna-

"I'm malicious, mean and scary, My sneer could curdle dairy, And violence wise, my hands are not the cleanest~ But despite my evil look, And my temper, and my hook, I've always yearned to be a concert pianist!"

I couldn't believe it. He was singing...

"Can't ya see me on the stage performin' Mozart, Ticklin' the ivories 'til they gleam? Yep, I'd rather be called deadly, For my killer show tune medley. Thank you, 'Cause way down deep inside I've got a dream!"

I was even more flabbergasted, when everyone in the room joined in.

"He's got a dream! He's got a dream!"

"See, I ain't as cruel and vicious as I seem,
And Though I do like breaking femurs, You can count me with the dreamers! Like everybody else, I've got a dream!"

I was being tortured right now. Even Raps started singing as well. While that was going on, I saw a bunch of figures out of the window. But when I looked again, they were gone.

I turned around and jumped when I saw Rapunzel was looking at me with a very creepy smile... "What?"

"You did say you've got a dream, right Cass?"

Was she expecting me way! "No. No, no, no. I am not singing."

"Oh c'mon, please?"


"Please..?" Rapunzel said as she looked at me, her emerald eyes shining.

I groaned, and stood up. There was no going back now.

"Sadly, I have dreams like you, no, really.
To gain respect while I'm in the army. It's more of what i strive in as I try to prove to everyone that I'm worthy. With a squad of my own, and orders I deploy; surrounded by applauses of my glory."

Everyone honestly looked disinterested. Even Raps. Oh well. They wanted me to sing, that's what I did. Before anything else could happen, however, a group of guards burst into the room.
Everyone froze. Including me. Thankfully, Hookhand opened a secret department and looked at Rapunzel.

"There, go live your dream." He said.

Rapunzel nodded, and off we went into the secret underground tunnel.


AN: OMG this chapter was so long. Wow. Also, the only lyrics in this that are original is Cassandra's part. Credits to snowysilva for those!

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