Chapter 9: Trust No One Pt.1

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Once the boat bumped against the shore, I sighed. It was time to take her home.

"Alright, uhm- c'mon, Raps.." I said, stepping off the boat and reaching out, wanting her to take my hand.

She gladly took it, stepping off the boat as well. "That was...magical!" She commented. was.. I thought. Though, out loud, I said, "I'm glad you enjoyed it."

Raps looked like she was about to say something else, but then we both heard a noise in the bushes, so I hushed her. "Wait...did you hear that?" I whispered.

"Yeah, Cass, I did...what was that?"

"I don't-" Just as I was about to say something, I saw a figure...Rider?!

"It's...Flynn!" I whisper yelled.

"What?" Rapunzel whispered in shock.

"Yeah, c'mon.." I said, somewhat crawling in Rider's direction, Raps following suit. When we were right on him, he sprinted into the forest.

"Maybe we should split up." Raps suggested.

"I don't think-"

"It's alright! I've got my frying pan."

"...Alright...when one of us catches him, we'll meet back over here, ok?"

She nodded and went in one direction, while I went in the other. As I was running after Flynn, I felt a sharp pain in the back of my head, similar to the pain I felt when Raps first met me in her tower.

"Haha...nighty-night..." Rider said, and I saw the Stabbington's, before everything went dark for me.

Rapunzel's POV:

I was running when I suddenly bumped into something- someone. Wait...Mother?!

"Why, hello, Rapunzel..." Mother said menacingly.

"Wha- I- what are you doing here? I-I need to go...find Cass..." I said, slowly backing away, before Mother gently yet firmly grabbed my wrist.


"Shh...follow me." She said, leading me back to the shore. "You see, I told you that Cass-an-dra person was a bad idea."

"What do you-" That's when I saw it. The boat we were on...was, moving away...with, Cass's figure driving it, a struggling Flynn Rider in tow.

"No...she would never..."

"Oh, but she did my sweet child. Thus is why I said you can trust No one." Mother said, bringing me closer to her.

"I-I..." I looked back at the boat, which was slowly getting smaller, then back to Mother, before breaking down into tears.

She hugged me, then said, "C'mon, Rapunzel. Let's go home." Before taking my hand and leading me away from the shore, and from who I once thought was my destiny...the love of my life.

A/N: Wow! Two chapters in one day. Possibly 3? Who knows. Anyway, the final chapters are upon us! What will happen 2 our dear couple? Well, you probably can already guess, but, beware! There shall be a twist...a BIG one, perhaps...

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