Chapter 7: I See the Light Pt. 1

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The next morning, I was up before Rapunzel, sitting by the now just-embers-on-rocks fire we built last night. Raps was still asleep beside me, and I couldn't help but admire her. She looked...peaceful. I didn't want to wake her up, but I had to if we were gonna get to Corona on time to see the lanterns tonight.

"Hey, Raps...?" I said softly as I gently shook her.

She stirred slightly, and mumbled something before sitting up.

"Morning." I said.

"Hm...good morning.." She said, sounding groggy.

I chuckled. I have to admit, she sounded cute. Wait, what am I thinking? No, no, no, no.

"Come on, we've got to get going if we want to get to Corona on time."

Rapunzel immediately perked up, and it kinda startled me. "Ah, yes! The lanterns!" She exclaimed, standing up. Come on, let's go!"
I nodded, then stood up as well, walking behind her as she skipped ahead.

Today, I'd have to be extra vigilant. Rider could be anywhere trying to make a move today, and I can't have that.

After a while, we reached the bridge, entering Corona. She looked excited. No, wait, she was excited.

"Omg! C'mon, Cass, this will be soo much fun!" She exclaimed, turning around to look at me.

My face got warm for the third time in the past few days. Why was I feeling this way around her? Do I- No, that can't be it. I thought, pushing the other thoughts to the back of my mind.

Rapunzel joyfully ran ahead, however, she was stopped by a lot of people stepping on her hair. "Well, that's gonna be a problem." I commented.

"Definitely." Rapunzel said, gathering her hair. I helped. We walked around like that for a bit, before spotting 4 girls braiding each other's hair. I think they noticed us first though, because they were already coming towards us.

All I have to say is that those girls can really braid hair. They put a lot of flowers in the braid, so it looked extra flashy, I guess. The braid reached down to Rapunzel's ankles, so, she should be fine now.

"It's beautiful! Don't you think so, Cass?" Rapunzel asked.

"Yeah, sure." I responded, not really listening. I was watching her, yet, at the same time, I was looking out for Rider.

"Come on, Cass, this is gonna be the best birthday ever!" She exclaimed, skipping off into the crowd of people in the town square.

I followed after her, watching her basically have the time of her life. She went everywhere. First she was eating cupcakes, then she she somehow painted a mural on the ground that resemblesthe Coronian symbol.

As I was watching, I couldn't help but notice...that, Raps looked a lot like the lost princess on the mural of the royal family.
She can't, no. That's just a coincidence. I thought.

Just then a song came on, apparently one everyone was supposed to dance to. I was not one for dancing, so when Rapunzel grinned at me, I stopped her before she could say anything.

"No, no, and no. You already made me sing, I am not dancing." I said curtly.

"Aww...ok, fine. Your loss, though." She said, then went and danced with the townspeople. Eventually, she had got spun towards me, and, despite what I said earlier, she grinned expectedly at me again.


"C'mon Cass, pleasssse?" Raps pleaded, now looking like a lost puppy.

I blushed slightly and sighed, giving in. "Alright, alright."

When we danced, I couldn't help but admire her again. She was genuinely having the time of her life. Of course, I didn't let my guard down, but, when we locked eyes, I was caught off guard, ha.

Soon afterwards, it started to get dark, and we headed for the docks. Raps looked excited, and, I decided to say something.

"Happy birthday, Raps."

A/N: Three cheers for the first part of the scene you've all been waiting for! Part 2 will be out soon, don't worry! Enjoy this for now, and, thanks for making it this far!😁❤️

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