Chapter 11: Why would you do this to me?

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Cassandra's POV:

"...Daughter?" I stammered. There was no way. I didn't have a mother. At least, I don't remember having one. I was raised by my father, the captain of the guards!

Rapunzel looked equally shocked. She looked at me with a questioning expression, one which I returned. However, my focus snapped back to the shadows when a woman, fairly young looking, stepped out.

"Yes, my dear Cassandra. I'm your mother! Now, don't you think it's rude to come and intrude on your mother's business?"

I shook my head. She may have looked like me, but there is no way she's my mother. "You liar! I have no mother, not from what I can remember..."

Then, I thought of the song I heard right before she spoke. "How did you know that song? It...came from a music box that- no..."

"Yes, darling. That your mother gave you?"

"How did you-"

"I told you, Cassandra. I am your mother."

I...if she was my mother, then...why was she- no... she left me...for Rapunzel?


"Cass! Don't listen to her! Please, She's probably trying to trick you!" Rapunzel, who had finally somehow gotten the gag off her mouth, said as she spoke with more volume now.

My hands clenched by my sides. "Mother, or hurt Rapunzel. And that, I something I will not stand for." I muttered as I walked closer to Gothel.

I was completely oblivious to the fact that Githel was pulling something from behind her back.

"Oh, c'mon, my dear. Surely we can talk this out?" Gothel said, her voice 'friendly'

"Talk this out? Like I'd ever talk things out with a person that left me like I never existed, and hurt the love of my life!"

I was about to say something else, but that's when I felt it...a sharp pain in my stomach. I stood there for a moment, then I felt it again, in my side. I staggered back, standing against the window sill.

"Wrong choice, dear." Gothel said, her voice sinister.

"Cassandra! No!" I heard Rapunzel yell.

"I told you, Rapunzel. The outside world brings dire consequences. Now, let's go." Gothel said, trying to use the chains to pull Rapunzel with her towards a trap door. I watched, wishing I could do something, but, I was growing increasingly weak by the second.

"Will you stop fighting and let's-"

"No!" Rapunzel exclaimed. "I will never stop fighting. I have been held captive by you for too long. I've been lied to, for too long. There is no way that I'm going to stop fighting."

She paused, looked at me, then back towards Gothel. "But...let me save her...I...if you let me save her, I'll go with ypu....we'll be together, like you want."

"'t..." I uttered.

Raps seem to ignore what I said, her focus still on Gothel. "Ugh, fine. But make it quick." Gothel said coldly. She released Rapunzel, who immediately rushed over to me as I sat against the wall.

"E-everything is gonna be ok, Cass, I-I promise...I'm gonna heal you, and...and you'll live..."

"....but you won''ll be stuck with her..."

" will all be worth it." She said, wrapping her hair around my wounds, starting to sing.

Flower, gleam, and glow.

Let your power shine.

Make the clock reverse, bring back what once was mine...

As she sung, I looked around, seeing glass shard. I had an idea. Gothel wouldn't be able to use Rapunzel if her hair was gone, now would she?

I reached over and grabbed it, and suddenly brought Raps closer to me, interrupting her song.

"C-cass..? What are you-"

I cut her off, kissing her. As I did, I used the glass shard and cut Rapunzel's hair.

Rapunzel broke the kiss. "Cass?!"

"NO!" Gothel exclaimed, now rapidly looking older. She staggered towards me and Raps, but Pascal tripped her with Rapunzel's cut off hair, which sent her falling out the window.


"...I...I'm sorry..." I muttered, managing a smile.

" can't leave me...I...I love you..."

However, the life faded from my eyes, and I was...well, dead.

Raps cupped my face with her hands, whispering my name as she started crying.

Her tears fell on the wounds I had, and....something spectacular happened.

A glowing light shaped like the sundrop flower formed over the wounds, healing them. Rapunzel, confused, looked in awe at what was happening.

After a moment, my eyes fluttered open. "Why the long face, Raps..?" I muttered, chuckling a bit.

"Cass..? Cass!" Rapunzel exclaimed, bringing me into a tender embrace. "Don't...don't ever do that to me again..!"

"Don't worry...I won't..." I said as I melted into Rapunzel's arms, thinking about what laid ahead of us.


A/N: Phew! Well, that was a ride. Don't worry, the book is not over yet! I am excited we've made it this far!🥳 Anyway, hope you enjoyed this chapter. Have a great morning/day/evening/night!🤗

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25 ⏰

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