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This is going to be a short story unlike the other shit posted stuff. Enjoy! :D

Behind those dark glasses, I can see your beautiful purple eyes. Your striking hair flows up and is perfectly without you even trying. You're magnificent, in every way po-

"Hey Akira? You've been staring at the wall for a while now, did I make the noodles bad this time?" 

"Huh?! Oh, sorry, no Hayabusa, they're really good!" I nervously blurt out.

Oh for cat gods sake! What was I thinking? I can't think about Jack this way! There's no way I'm, I'm...

"I don't know about that Akira. Just because you don't want to be rude, doesn't mean you have to tell me a white lie." Hayabusa looks at me in a doubtful way. 

"Aw come on darling, anything you make is gorgeous!" Cat man chimes in. 

"You think everything I make is gorgeous!" Hayabusa pouts behind his mask. 

"Because it is!"

Hayabusa and Cat man have been a married couple before I was born, they're basically the parents in the Dark Heroes headquarters. Hayabusa acts a little more feminine so he's practically like a mother to us. Cat man is more like a father, he takes care of most of the things that happen around the headquarters.

"Hayabusa! Do you have any more noodles? Jack wore himself out again!" Mekako runs into the room, her machine has Jack slung over its shoulder.

"Yeah I do, there in the pot over at the kitchen."

"Thanks Hayabusa!" Mekako shuffles over to the kitchen.

"No problem!" Hayabusa sets Jack into a seat.

He looks like he hasn't slept in years. His glasses cover his eyes, but his expression shows everything.

"What happened to him?" I ask impatiently.

"Oh it's just the usual. He trains for two hours straight, passes out, eats a whole lot, then goes back to training. He's been training since three in the morning!" Hayabusa explains.

"Apparently he lost a match or something," Mekako sits down with a bowl of noodles. "He hates the fact that he's still single target. He must've lost to a whole hoard of alien enemies."

I stare at Jack as Hayabusa tries to push some noodles into his mouth. I can't help but to feel bad for him. Most Ubers with single target are really strong. Ubers like lesser demon or Tecoluga happen to be the strongest in their banner. But Jack always says he's going to get rid of his single target trait when he gets his true form, but I don't think that's happening.

"Don't you guys think he should get some rest?" I ask.

"Well," Hayabusa begins, "If we don't feed him, the moment he regains consciousness he's going to zap himself with electricity and keep training. So I think it's better if he actually gets some calories in."

"I'll make him go to bed!" I suddenly blurt out.

All three of them stare at me in surprise. They seem doubtful and I'm not surprised. I don't even know what I'm going to do.

"I guess you could give it a shot... just don't hurt him, okay? I know he can be a little stubborn sometimes..." Hayabusa fidgets around with his fingers.

"It's okay! I can handle him!" I salute to Hayabusa.

"Ha ha! Okay, I guess you could help him out a bit. Would you mind carrying him to his room? I hope he isn't too heavy for you." Hayabusa Helps Jack stand up a bit.

"It's okay Hayabusa! Don't worry! I can handle this!" I grin.

Hayabusa smiles back, he doesn't seem too worried about me.

"What a reliable kid." I hear Cat man say as I walk away carrying Jack.

For someone who trains all day and eats a lot, Jack isn't heavy at all. If I have to guess, he's probably 100 pounds at most.

I brush a few strands of his hair away from his face, he's really cute when he's asleep. But he also looks very... vulnerable. He doesn't seem like the Jack I normally see at school sometimes, the popular kid who gets straight A's in every class, the valedictorian. But right now? He just seems like Jack, just Jack. Thunder Jack? Bloody Jack? No, this vulnerable side of him is the one I love. The real Jack.

After a bit of walking, we reached his room where I set him on his bed. The rooms use facial scanning so they don't need a password of any sort. Which is why it was so easy to open. I stare at him for a while, it seems like he has already fallen asleep. I guess I just have to make sure he doesn't run away and train or something. Suddenly, he clutches onto my hand at a frightening strength.

"No... please...d-don't leave me..." He mumbles in his sleep.

"Wait Jack, you're awake?"

"Don't d-do this to me!" He mumbles again.

"Oh, you're sleep talking. But..."

Why would he say "don't leave me"? Did something happen to him? Well, the most I can do right now is comfort him.

"Don't worry Jack, I'll be right here, I won't leave." I whisper.

He seems to have calmed down now, I hope he isn't dreaming of anything bad now.

"I love you Jack." I say as I give him a small peck on the cheek, "sleep tight."

The end :D

I ship Akira x Jack and Cat man x Hayabusa, don't mind me

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I ship Akira x Jack and Cat man x Hayabusa, don't mind me. :D

(The image is by yakultluvur on twitter btw)

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