Backstory part 2

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My head is pounding and I feel like I'm going to die. Hold on, am I in Hell? I tiredly opened my eyes, the red and fiery scene that I anticipated was not there. Instead, the room is completely white and all four of my limbs including my neck are confined by chains.

I struggle but that only makes it worse. My muscles are sore and I have a bandage over my chest. Wait, who changed my clothes? What happened?

"I see that you've regained your consciousness, hmm?" A broad-shouldered man with a cat-like mask walks into the room.

"Let me GO!" I hiss at him, following my instincts.

"Wow, getting feisty now are we?" He smirks at me.

That smile... that muscular body, so hot...DAMN IT! I've always been attracted to men like this! Being gay is one of the main reasons my village hates me. Because I like guys, I lack the ability to reproduce to spread my enhanced genes and intelligent mind. CAT GOD DAMN IT!

"I-I don't know what you're talking about!" I turn away to face the wall, I can feel myself heating up.

"No need to be nervous, you're going to be here for a long time so get comfortable." He laughs.

"H-huh?!" I whip my head around to see him slowly ripping the bandages off my arms. "WAIT! Don't take those off!"

"Hmmm? Are they personal?" He asks, catching me off guard.

"I guess you could put it that way..." I pull back my wrist, retaping the part he ripped off.

Why would he care anyway? All I know is that people like him would never lead to anything great.

"Well, taking the bandages off was going to make the testing process hurt less, but I guess we could always use painkillers..."

"I can handle it!" I shout at him.

Wait... shouldn't I be opposing this!? Why am I agreeing to these tests?! I need to fight!

"I-I mean... don't do any tests on me... pretty please?" I beg him.

"Ha! You sure are cute, but you can't weasel your way out of this!" He laughs at me.

"Dang it..."

Wait... DID HE JUST CALL ME CUTE?! Hold on, maybe I can cute my way out of this...

Suddenly, he puts a hand around my waist and pulls me closer. Then grabs my face and presses his lips onto mine, gradually forcing his tongue in my mouth.


He slowly lets go of my face as a trail of saliva strings out of our mouths. However, He still doesn't let go of my waist.

"WHAT IN CAT GODS NAME WAS THAT!?" I struggle away from him.

"That was one of the tests, hope you didn't feel too uncomfortable."

"ARE YOU INSANE?! Can't you tell that I'm a guy?! Do you do this to every person you meet?" I can feel my face heating up.

"Number one, I'm not insane. Number two, I was the one who changed your clothes so I know you're a guy. Number three, no, I don't do this to everyone, I just think you're kinda cute..." He blushes a bit about the last one, "By the way, you can call me Cat Man, I'll be the one taking care of you for now."

{Pause in flashback}

"Despite the conditions, Cat man never forced me to do anything. He didn't torture me, he protected me, he even let me come out of my testing area. I'll skip some of the details of what he did to me because you're not old enough to know that stuff yet."

{Flashback resumes}

"Hey Hayabusa, could you come with me for a moment?" Cat man asks as he walks over to me.

This is the happiest I've ever been before. Not only have I been treated kindly by everyone in the facility, this is the first time nobody's been constantly monitoring my actions and whipping me every time I make a mistake! Everyone is finally starting to treat me like a human/cat!

"Of course! Is something going on?" I walk over to him and he picks me up and kisses me.

"Want to go for a walk?" He's still holding me.

"I can go out of the facility?" I joke.

"Don't act so surprised, you've been outside before." He laughs at my question.

"Yeah, I know, I know. Where are we going today?" He carries me over to the door of my room.

"You'll see." He stares away with a slight blush on his face, I wonder what he's thinking of right now.

While we're sitting in his car, he asks a question out of nowhere.

"Hayabusa, how old are you again?"

"I'm 23, why do you ask?"

"I just needed to make sure of something. After all, you do look really young."

"Ha Ha! How old did you think I was?"

"I don't know, maybe 16? I could've been dating a child this entire time." He smiles.

I can't help but giggle at this joke. I can understand his concern for the possibility of being attracted to a minor.

After a while, we got out of his car and started walking around a park.

Hmmm, we've been to this park many times. It's one of our favorite places to go hiking. I wonder why he brought us here today. He only comes here when he's in a really good mood. I guess he's in a good mood today.

Soon after, the sun is setting, I suppose that we have been walking for a while.

"Look at the sun! Ooh! And the sky! They look so pretty today. Isn't that right Cat man?" I excitedly ask him.


"What is it Cat man?" I turned around surprised.

Cat man is kneeling down on one knee, he's holding a ring in his hand. Oh my cat god.

"Hayabusa, will you marry me?"

{End of Flashback}

"That was one of the greatest days in my life. I mean, becoming one of the Dark heroes was awesome too but this was one of the greatest moments! Anyway Saki, I think I've spoken for too long, AH! It's 9:30 already! I can tell you more of this story tomorrow, or you can ask Cat man, but now you have to go to bed! So, uh, sleep tight okay? Goodnight Saki, love you lots."

"Goodnight mommy, love you more!"

I turn off the lights and walk out of the room and start walking down the hallway where I find Cat man waiting for me. He gives me a sweet smile.

"I heard your entire story darling," he says, "I'm glad you think I'm such a good person."

"A-Ah, so you heard huh? Well, it was nice to be able to tell someone..."

"Well, that's always nice. Anyway, since it's only 9:30, you want to get a head start and do it tonight~?" He holds onto my waist the way he always does.

"You bet~" I kiss him on the lips. 

The end

(I'm sorry if you don't ship the two of them.)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15 ⏰

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