Backstory part 1.

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(Contains suicidal content)

"Mommy! Hayabusa! Can you tell me a bedtime story?"

"Of course Saki, what type of story would you like me to tell tonight?"

"I want to hear the story about the sniper!"

"Come on Saki! I've told you that one so many times already!"

"Okay, okay, fine. Then... how about... Oh! How did you meet Cat Man?"

"Ah, I uh... well, I guess this will be a long story then..."


The fire had stopped burning a few days ago but the smell of smoke was still hovering within the air. What have I done? I think to myself as I stand by the side of a cliff. I've lost my family, I failed Gabriel, I even disappointed my village, why should I keep going? And all of this happened because of me, I made a mistake.

I take a step toward the edge of the cliff, a few pebbles fall down. Well, I guess this is the end for me. Gabriel, I hope you can live a good life and become the detective you've always wanted to be. I say my last prayers as I kneel down at the edge of the cliff. Goodb-

"A ninja! Boss, we found one!" A call from the distance echoes through the hills.

Are there intruders? I whip around to find an army of soldiers behind me. I take a step back but realize, I'm on the edge of a cliff...

"YOU! Surrender immediately or we will be forced to attack!" A man in a lab suit shouts out.

This is my chance! I think. I can prove to my village that I'm not worthless. I draw out my Katana and think of a way to strike a critical hit. Maybe if I hit that person... No. I have Area! I can take them all down at once!

{Pause in flashback}

"Who knew that would get me caught?"

{Flashback resumes}

I quickly sprint towards the group. Wargod Yukimura had taught me a bit about running. I raise my blade and slash through the entire front line with ease. Blood splatters across the battlefield. If they could let down their guard so easily, then the rest should be easy to handle.

Suddenly, a large shadow appears above. Who is that? I wonder as I squint to make out a shape. But within a second, the shadow is gone, the whole army is gone except for the dead bodies. What?

I quickly scan around my surroundings and try to find anything slightly suspicious. Did they retreat? Did they use a special power? My mother always told me not to underestimate the opponents that I haven't met yet. I raise my head to find that it's too late. The last thing I see is a fist crashing down on me. 

End of part 1.

Just incase you guys didn't know, this is completely based on my headcanons. None of this content is canon in the game Battle cats. 

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