04 . contract

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It's so early and I'm exhausted. Everyone in the house is asleep. I didn't get the chance to tell Daniella about my situation because she was so tired once she got back from work. I didn't get to tell Elijah either because all he wanted to do was be by her side.

I walk through the silent apartment, going towards the bathroom and turning on the shower. It's currently 6:55.

I take a lengthy shower, enjoying the feeling of the warm water on my skin. After my shower, I do my skincare routine and walk back to my room with a towel wrapped around my body. I look into my closet, trying to pick out something to wear. Something basic should be good, right?

I grab my flare jeans, cream sweater and my Uggs.

After putting on my outfit I grab my purse, not my duffel bag.

I spent a couple of hours pondering over it before I said yes. As soon as I did, Elise texted me all the details. I'm going to an address to meet this actor. I'm excited, yet scared. I have no clue who I'm meeting with. It didn't seem that bad. Plus, what am I going to do with all my free time in New York? Daniella works most days and so does Elijah. I might as well find something to entertain myself with.

The more that I think about it I come to realize, this whole situation is really vague.

YOLO, right?

I step out of my room and out of the apartment, making sure to lock the door behind me. I walk through the hallway before reaching the elevator and press the first floor.

Where I'm going is in Manhattan. It's a corporate building.

I took the Subway to get to Manhattan and started to walk the rest of the way. The streets were filled with people, most of them probably on their way to work. Mushy snow covered the roads and little snowflakes fell from the sky. About a block before I reach the building I decide to stop at a coffee shop to get myself breakfast and a coffee.

Soon I arrived at the building. It blends in with all the other buildings. Tall and mainly made of glass. I walk into the lobby, coffee and an overpriced sandwich in hand. I'm actually a couple minutes early. I walk up to the front desk, the receptionist giving me a friendly smile.

"Hi! I'm here for.. The interview with Mr. Taylor." I say, remembering what Elise told me I needed to say. The receptionist nods. "Of course! That'll be on floor 54. It will be on the door to your right."

I nod and smile, thanking her before I walk away. I walk through the building, seeing so many people dressed in professional attire. They must work here.

I step into the elevator, pressing on floor 54 and patiently waiting for it to take me up. The doors open and I look into the hallway, stepping out of the elevator. There's only one door on the right. It's a frosted double door. I anxiously pull the handle. "Is.. Mr. Taylor here?" I say, peeking into the room before fully stepping in.

"That would be me." I look at where the voice came from. He's sitting at a table. He's tall, has messily styled blonde hair and really nice eyes. They're a bluish-green color. He has tons of rings on his fingers and he's dressed.. Oddly casual?

"Okay." I sit down in a chair on the opposite side where he's sitting. There's an empty chair next to him, but I don't question it.

"Do you know what this is about?" He asked me.

"Uh..." I hum.

"As expected." He shrugs. "My friend is running a little late, but we'll get into it once he gets here." He checks his watch and then looks back at me.

I nod and we sit in silence. After about 20 seconds I can't take it. It's unbearable.

"Mr. Taylor, what's this interview about?" I ask, my fingers starting to fiddle with each other.

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