~Chapter 1: Are you serious~

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I have always been the quiet girl all my life and it is probably going to stay like that.

Before I begin, I'm Stella Wright and I am just a regular teenage girl living my life in my bedroom...

Watching Netflix...

And eating gummy worms...

At 2 in the morning...

On a school night...


Yeah this is bad.

I need to stop this ridiculous habit.

But anyways, it's the second week of school and I already want to die in a hole.

I barely have any classes with my friends and I'm so lonely...

In class...

All alone...

Just me myself and I...

This is really depressing.


Back to the point.

I have lived in California my whole life and I have also been in the same house since I was 4. I like to read books and I am a very anti-social person and very awkward around people that aren't my friends or my family or teachers. I am also a junior in high school trying to survive another year at school.




Ughhh... who calls at 7 in the morning?

Wait... that's right I'm the one who told Brynn that she can call me every morning for school.

Why did I do this?


I answered the phone and Brynn's voice came through.

"Wake up Stella!" Brynn's cheerful voice comes through the phone.

"Morning," I say.

"Why are you so happy it's 7 in the morning. You should go to sleep."

"Well I'm not you who stays up at 2 in the morning watching Netflix or whatever on a school night."

"Pfft. Me? I would never."

"Whatever you say Stella. Whatever you say."

"Well I go to go now to get ready for school. See you later Brinny Brynn."


I'm currently at the bus stop listening to music on my earphones waiting for the bus to arrive.

The bus finally arrived and I hopped into the first seat I could find and looked out the window.

There was a lot of people from my school that took the same bus ride as me because the street I lived in was pretty close to the school, so it was very likely for lots of students to also be living here.

I could honestly just walk to school because it's a 15 minute walk but I am too lazy to do that.

Why would I walk when there are buses.

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