~Chapter 8: Weird.~

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It's the next day and right now I am currently waiting at the school parking lot for Dominic to arrive.

I feel a buzz on my phone.

Funny: I'm here.

I look up from my phone and I see Dominic walking up to me.

"Morning, Stella."

"Hello, Funny."

"You're not letting that nick name go aren't you?"

"Nope," I smile and we walk inside the building.

"Why are you so happy?" Dom mutters waking beside me.

"I finally have a friend!" I exclaim.

"So you have been lonely since the girls left?"


We still have thirty minutes until class starts and we go to the office so he can get his timetable and his locker number.

Dom's locker wasn't that far from mine so after he put some of his stuff in the locker, we went to my locker so I can get my stuff out.

I was talking to Dom and I was taking my pen out when I heard a loud commotion outside.

"Don't worry," I tell Dom. "They're the 'bad boys' of the school and it's pretty normal," I say shrugging.

The I tell Dom who is in the 'bad boys' group and I tell him all the other groups in school that he should stay away from.

I compared our timetable and we both are in most of the same classes besides a few and I see that we have history first up.

I heard footsteps walking our way and it was Brooks and the guys.

"Brooks!" I yell and I make a hand gesture for him to hurry up and come our way.

"This is my friend Dom and he just came back into town after a long time," I explain to the guys.

"And Dom this is Brooks, Kai, Elias, Issac and Mason," I point out who is who so Dom can understand.

The I explain to the guys how Dom and I used to always hang out when we were younger and all of the guys looked interested besides... Brooks.


He looks pissed off...?


After the bells ring, signalling that class has started, I pull Dom's arm to take us to history class.

As we get there, I go find a seat for both of us to sit.

"Don't the 'bad boys' have history too? Issac told me that they had it." Dom asks confused.

"Don't worry about them, they'll be here don't you  worry," I mutter to Dom.

Ms. Hall told us what we were going to be doing today, and Dom got introduced, then Ms. Hall gave us our task sheets and we started doing our work.

Five minutes later the boys come in.

"See. I told you," I mutter to Dom leaning towards him.

The boys walked to the empty seats behind Dom and I and Ms. Hall gave them the task sheets to the rest of the group.

"—and if you need any help, you can always ask Stella Wright over here," she gestured to me, "and ask for her assistance," Ms. Hall said.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't Stella Wright offering to help us. That would be greatly appreciated, thanks," Brooks said from behind me.

"I did not offer, I am getting forced to, you idiot," I said turning around so I can face him.

"By the way I'm not helping you, so go find someone else," I mutter to Brooks and the rest of the guys.

"But you heard what Ms. Hall said, you have to help us," Elias said desperately.

"Fine, I'll help you all but not Brooks," I say his name with disgust.

"Wow, rude," Brooks mutter behind me, but I just ignore him.

Class continues on and soon its lunch time and I am starving.

I need food ASAP.

I go to the cafeteria with Dom and we get into the line for food and they are serving pizza today.

Once we get our food, I go to my usual spot where I would always sit with Brynn and Kayleigh but it's Dom he is going to be sitting across from me.

As we settle into our seats and start eating our food, there is a loud commotion coming into the cafeteria room.

I am not at all surprised.

But Dom looks alert, trying to see what it is.

"It's just the guys," I reassure him and he goes back to eating his food.

"Do they really make that much noise?" Dom winces, as if imagining this will be his life for the rest of his school years.

"You'll get used to it," I mutter to him, taking a sip of my water as the guys finally make it in the cafeteria.

We both continue to finish our food and talk about whatever comes to mind and I tell him all about the school.

"Let me take you on a proper walk our around the school," I say, getting up from the seat and taking my leftover rubbish with me.

"Sure," Dom says doing the same.

We both go out of the cafeteria and I start on either the school tour, showing him places where that teachers won't dare show anyone.

We turn around a corner, "—and here is a the- never mind," I say, noticing the bad boys were there.

"C'mon let's go before they see us," I quickly pull Dom's arm and walk away.

But I'm too late. One of the guys saw us.

"Stella! Dom! Over here!" Kai shouts getting some attention from the other people around.

Damn you Kai.

Why couldn't you have let me be.

I plaster an a fake smile and turn around, facing the guys.

"Kai! So nice to see you all," I say sarcastically, getting weird looks from the rest of the guys.

Who am I to judge?

I saw them all not to long ago.

"See, I would love to stay here and chat, but I was showing Dom a tour of the school and I want to finish the tour before the bell rings. Bye!" I say a bit too excited and grab Dom's arm again to pull us both out of the situation.



Hey all! Chapter eight is finally finished with chapter nine on the way.

I hope you liked this chapter and if you have any thoughts just comment below.

Thank you for reading it his chapter and I hope you have an amazing day/night!


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