~Chapter 5: Val's diner~

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"Are we there yet?" I asked.

"No," Brooks muttered.

Currently, we are in Brooks car and he put a blindfold on me and he has been driving for the past 15 minutes.

I asked where were we going but he said it was a surprise so now I have to sit here and suffer while he drives to the destination.

So my entertainment was to annoy him and its working.

"Are we there yet?"


"What about now?"

"Still no"

Well this is getting boring really fast.

"Are we the-"

Brooks cuts my sentence saying, "Stella, If you say that on more time. I wont take you to the destination."

That makes me stop speaking.

I turn to the side and look out of the window. Then I grab my book out of my bag and start reading.

A few minutes later, Brooks stop the car and I lift my head to see a gorgeous lake.

It's beautiful.

Brooks hops out of the car and he walks to my side of the door, opening it for me.

I step out and we both start walking to the lake.

The lake is so gorgeous with clear water and there are trees surrounding it with a mini waterfall at the end of the lake.

I stare at it in awe and I can see Brooks looking at me in my peripheral vision.

" I hope you like it," Brooks asks looking a bit... nervous..?

"I love it," I breath out a sigh taking in the sight of the beautiful scenery in front of me.

Brooks chuckles also looking around at the scenery.

I look to me left and I see a wooden swing hanging from a big tree branch.

"Ooo a swing!" I say giddily skipping towards the swing.

Brooks follows behind, amused.

I sit in the swing and I turn to look at Brooks and say, "can you push the swing please?"

Brooks chuckles going behind me and he starts pushing the swing back and forth.

I take the time to breathe in the scent and admire the beauty of the lake.

A few minutes of silence and Brooks still pushing me, I blurt out, "I'm hungry."

"Well what do you want to eat?" Brooks asks still pushing the swing lightly.

"I don't know," I sigh.

"I know where to go," Brooks says stopping the swing and walking around the swing to me.

"Where?" I ask.




We arrive at Val's and currently we are looking through the menu to choose what we want to eat.

Val's is a local diner owned by the one and only Valerie and they have the most delicious food on the planet.

Kayleigh, Brynn and I always go here to eat, do our homework, gossip or just for fun and I also work here.

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