Chapter 4: Y/N

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I peek around the corner at my mom in the kitchen. She's preparing dinner, basting a roast in the oven and humming contentedly to herself. Good, she's in a good mood. Here goes nothing...
"Can I help with anything, mom?" I said sweetly, walking into the kitchen. I'm wearing a light blue top and dark jeans, with my hair pulled back out of my face. Words can't describe how uncomfortable  I feel wearing normie clothes, but my mom looks tickled pink (ugh, pink). 
"Oh, Y/N! You look so beautiful. Is that the top that Gran got you for your birthday last month?" I cringe a bit inside, but keep my composure "Yep! It fits perfect." I force a smile. "Well come help set the table, dinner will be ready soon." "Sure." I say, grabbing some plates from the cabinet "And um, speaking of my birthday, remember you said how you'd make up for Sissy opening my gifts?" My mom gave me a side glance while stirring up mashed potatoes "mm, I had a feeling there was a reason to your wardrobe change..." Damn, I should've waited longer. Luckily, or otherwise, my dumb sister comes running in the room. "Watch out!" I say, dodging her and nearly dropping the plates. "Na na Nana na!" She taunts, sticking her tongue out. "MOOM!" I say, pleading for an intervention. "Sweetie careful running in the house, you could hurt yourself." I hold back a groan, knowing it could hurt my case "yeah... Sis." I say through gritted teeth. She looks up at me before running off again.

We all sit down to dinner, and I pick at my plate a little nervously. "So um, mom..." I start "what I was saying, before?" "Hmm?" My mom raises her eyebrows, drinking her wine and reading. My mom could never do anything without multitasking. Chores, dinner, even when relaxing she had to be doing 5 things at once. "About my birthday favor?" "Ah, yes." She put her glass and book down to look at me. "What were you thinking?" I smiled, straightening up and taking a breath "Okay so I saw Hayley and Amy at the ballet today and they told me that Fall Out Boy is coming to town Friday and they're my FAVORITE band of all time please please please can I go??" I didn't mean to blurt it all so fast but I got too excited. "Woah what? Slow down. A band? Tomorrow?" I nodded "They're like, THE hottest band mom!" My mom, pulling a skeptical face, has my heart dropping fast "I don't think we can, I have a work meeting on Friday and your father is attending a PTA meeting at your sister's school. Neither of us are available to come with" "I can go alone!" I chime in "pleaseeee? Hayley and Amy will be with me!" My mom pulls a face of slight disgust "aren't they those bad influences? I heard Amy's mom let her get a stomach piercing... they don't seem like good girls" I gritted my teeth and looked at my dad "Dad! You think I can go alone right??" My dad glances up between bites of dinner "Sorry kiddo, your mom is right. You're too young to go downtown yourself, and two more teens does not equal a supervising adult." I groan loudly and look back at mom "How am I supposed to mature if I'm NEVER given the chance??" "A concert isn't a chance to mature, Y/N. It's just a rowdy party where kids like you get into trouble." "I'M NOT A KID!!" I shout "that's enough Y/N! My answer is final. Now eat your dinner!" Tears are welling up in my eyes, and I can feel them start to drop "I HATE YOU!! I HATE THIS FAMILY AND I HATE MY LIFE!!" I scream, banging my fists on the table and running up the stairs.

See? Told you. It ALWAYS gets worse.

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