Chapter 3: Y/N

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The ballet finally ends, and all the gushy moms are praising their daughters mediocrity. I pick at my chipped black nail polish, looking around the decorated gym.
The cute guy never came back to his seat, which leads me to believe he did the sensible thing and ditched. Can't blame him, I'd rather be anywhere else right now.
The school put out a variety of cheap salty snacks and off brand sodas to satisfy the masses of parents and screaming girls. I grab a cup of grape soda and make it my mission to become one with the corner of the room.
I see my parents happily gathered around my little sister. She's beaming, and spinning around in her tutu as my parents clap. I roll my eyes. What a diva. I take another scan of the room, trying to find anything to save me from my boredom. And that's when I see him.
It's just from the back, but I swear it's the same guy. Same scruffy black hair, tall build and lax demeanor. I blush a bit, casually pushing off the wall and walking in his direction. I can't quite see who he's with, I just keep getting glimpses of him in the crowd of moms. As I slowly make my way closer, my heartbeat quickens and I can feel a lump in my throat. Suddenly a hand grabs my arm, causing me to jump back and spill my soda all over my clothes.
"Agh! What the hell?!" I whip my head around in anger.
"Hey Y/N!" A familiar voice greets me. I realize who it is and gasp in surprise.
"Hayley!! Amy!!" I squeal, grinning and pulling the two girls into a group hug. My two best friends and the only reason I've survived my awful life. "What are you guys doing here??"
"We came to see you, dummy." Amy chimes in, giving a small smile as she pulls from the group hug.
"Yeah!! And we have like, the BEST news ever!!" Hayley grins, pushing her fluffy orange hair out of her face. Amy nods, pulling her raven black hair over her eye. "Yeah, like, guess who's playing at the Blowfish Bowl this friday?" I look at them both a bit confused "who??"
They both look at each other before speaking in unison "FALL OUT BOY!!"
I gasp and squeal "no way no way no WAY! We HAVE to go!" "I knowwww, we're gonna like, ask our parents tonight." Amy says. "Yeah! And we aren't taking no for an answer!" Hayley pumps her fist in the air triumphantly. I grimace a little. "Guys you KNOW my parents are never cool with anything, there's no way they'll say yes." Hayley and Amy look at each other before Amy looks back at me "look of course we understand. Just like, explain to them how important this is. I'm sure they'll get it. We're like, basically adults now anyway."
I take a deep breath. "Okay. Okay I'm gonna ask them!" The girls smile and hug me. "Good luuuuck!" Hayley sings before both girls wave goodbye and head out of the gym.
I smile and wave until they're out of sight, before my smile fades and I sigh.
If my mom's God is really real, PLEASE tell her to say yes to Friday night.

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