Chapter 9 : Superpowers

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Everyone was confused by my statement. They thought I was dreaming, and brought it to reality.

"A sphere? What are you talking about, Boboiboy?". Gopal questioned me.

"For real, I met a power sphere last night. He gave me superpower, and now I'm welding a lightning superpower".

"BWAHAHAHA!". Everyone laughed at me.

"Wake up Boboiboy. The Sun has risen, why are you spitting such nonsense. It's just your dream". Said Gopal while laughing at me.

They don't believe me, so I have to show them something that makes them believe me.

I pointed my finger into another, making an electric wave between my fingers.

"Look. Does this look like a dream to you?". I proved myself.

"Woah, cool tricks Boboiboy!". Yaya said sarcastically.

"Hahahahah...". They laughed again, skeptical of what I had just shown them.

"Hmph, fine! Wait here. I'll show you something".

I walked to my tent to take Ochobot and show it to them.

"Ochobot, Ochobot!". I shout his name.

"Bruhh what??". He transformed from his soccer ball mode into his normal shape.

"What's this? Why is the way you speak different from last night?".

I had no idea at the moment, the way of his talking was different.

"It was my default settings. What you hear right now is how I usually talk".
Ochobot speaks so chillingly.

"Never mind, now come here! I have to show you to my friends. They don't believe me that you gave me the superpower".

Ochobot comes at me and follows me walking to my friends.

Everyone was surprised to see Ochobot. Of course, they're all surprised, it's not a thing that you could see every day. A flying spherical robot, with a screen as its face, and could talk to humans.

"What's that robotic toy?". Ying asked

"How much money you spend on it?". Gopal was curious.

"Shut up! Let me explain. The thing that you guys see here is called the power sphere, his name is Ochobot".

"So he's the one who gives you power?"
Gopal asked me.

"Yes". I said.

They looked at each other and laughed at me. Ochobot making a sluggish face on its screen. It seems like he's tired of my friends as I do.

"See Ochobot? They don't trust me. I think you should give them a superpower to make them believe you".

I persuaded Ochobot so that they could believe me.

"Hmph, fine!". Ochobot said.

My friend starts to get confused at this moment.

"Now, you guys make a circle. Hold into each other hands and close your eyes".

Ochobot commands them.

So Yaya, Ying, and Gopal are making a circle, holding into each other hands and closing their eyes. Ochobot stands in the middle of the circle, a light burst is a sudden and intense release of luminosity, radiating outward in his body.

"It's done, you can open your eyes". Ochobot said to them.

They opened their eyes and looked around. They noticed that there was a watch on their wrist, just like me.

"Woahhh! What's this watch? Looks so cool". Gopal so excited.

"The watch is the source of your power, so take care of it". Says Ochobot.

"But what our power?". Yaya asked Ochobot.

"There's a trunk you sit on. Now try to lift it".

Yaya doubts that she can lift it. She grabs the edge of a trunk, and...

*Yaya gasped.

She lifted it. She can't believe what just happened, she just lifts a huge trunk that's 5 times bigger than her body.

"Oh my god. So this is my power! Fantastic!". Said Yaya with excitement on her face.

"What about me? What's my power?". Asked Ying.

"You see the flag on there? Now grab it and bring it here". Ochobot instructed.


I keep my eyes on her, to see what's her power. But, when I blinked my eyes, lying was already here, holding our school flag in her right hand.

"How did you get that flag, you're not even moving".

I said with confusion.

"Ying's power allows her to travel at high speed. Her speed could be compared to a supersonic airplane".

"Woahhh! I'm flash right now. Look at this, this, this!".

She's playing with her power, moving into a different spot every time we blink.

"If Yaya has super strength, and Ying has super speed. It means power is... Aha! Super smart!".

Gopal speaking nonsense.

"Nope, that's not it!".

"Bruhh, so what's my power?".

He's a bit disappointed.

"Now hold that plate".

*Gopal holds a plate in front of him.

"And now, imagine an object on your mind".

"Okay, done".

I dropped my jaw, can't believe what I just saw.

"What? Why are you guys looking at me like thaAAAAT!".

The plate he holds turns into a pizza, even Gopal himself is surprised by his power.

"That's soooo... AMAZING! HAHAHA!".

"Shhhh... Keep your voice down".

I covered Gopal's lips with my palm.

"Ochobot, switch to stealth mode now!".

*Ochobot transformed himself into a soccer ball.

"He's coming". I whispered to them.

Fang coming with a plate in his hand, means that he just came from taking his food.

Unexpectedly he sits next to us. This is not an ordinary sight to see. We never thought he would sit next to us. I welcomed him with all of my heart, but we had to cut out our conversations and keep it secret.

The situation became awkward in just a moment. The silence between us makes the atmosphere so clumsy. But once again, Ying melts the ice with her initiation to talking first.

"Umm.. Fang, you just take your food?".

"Yea". Fang answered with his little voice.

It relieved me that this time he's not ignoring us like he did before in the auditorium. At least he wants to have a proper conversation with us.

*Noise heard from afar.

"Attention students! We'll start our trip in a few minutes. Finish your meal and be prepared, bring your mineral water because we will have a long tour. And don't split from your group. If you are ready, come to this voice source with all of your members. Once again, attention students!.....".

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