Chapter 10 : Study Camp (3)

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"Hurry up Fang! The camp guards order us to be prepared".

Said Ying worried that he hadn't finished his meal.

"You guys can be prepared, I'll finish my meal first". Fang replied.

We went back to our tent and get ready to walk on the tour. I grabbed my backpack, filling it with mineral water and snacks just in case I was starving during the period of traveling. Food supplies are ready, and I also put my polyester rope, not without a reason. A single rope could be used for almost every difficult situation.

"Okay, everything is ready. Now what's left is... Oh, a flashlight. I almost forgot it".

"Where you going?". Ochobot asked me.

"I'll have a tour in a moment. You stay in my tent until I come back okay? I'll be back before the sunset".

"What if someone recognizes me here?".
Ochobot worried.

"You can enter your stealth mode. Take care okay?".

*I pat Ochobot head.

I'm leaving my tent, and waiting for my group to get ready. Ochobot sneaked a peek at me from my tent, I waved my hand at him and told him to go back with hand signals. Not after a long time, Yaya, Ying, and Gopal come. It looks like they're ready to start the tour.

"Where's Fang?". I asked them.

"I don't know, maybe he's not ready yet".
Gopal replied to me.

I went to Fang's tent to look at him, just in case he needed my help.

"Fang, need help?".

"No". Fang replied briefly.

"Hurry up! The others are waiting". I told him.

"You guys can go first". Fang said.

"But the camp guards tell us not to split, we're in the same group".

I'm making it clear, so he doesn't get me wrong.

"I'll catch up in a few minutes, we're not gonna split. So you guys can gather into the field first, and listen to their next orders".

"Okay, see you there".

I went back to my group and told them that Fang still preparing, so we could gather into the field first and pay attention to their next orders.

The 4 groups have already gathered in the field, we are the last come to come.

"Attention everyone! Our tour right now is heading to the Ancient Temple. We've put some flags along the way there, so you just have to follow where the flags are hanging. We will also give you a map for each group, to minimize the chance of getting lost. Make sure not to split with your group, and find the way together to the Ancient Temple".

An Ancient Temple? I didn't know if there was a temple around here. The camp guards start to call each group to line up. Starting from group 6, they're checking the members, and making sure everyone's gathered. They give them a single map and start their tour.

The next one is group 7, they did the same and started their tour. Moving up to group 8, they also start their tour. And finally, the camp guards came to our groups.

"Are all of your members here?". The camp guards interrogate us.

"No, sir. One of our members is still preparing". Replied me.

"Then wait for him to get ready".

He leaves our group and moves to the next group, group 10. Group 10 already had their full members, so they started their tour before us.

"Where's Fang? Why is it taking so long?".
Yaya wondering.

"Wait here, I'll go look at him". I said.

I was about to go to his tent, making sure everything was going well. But he's already here before I have to take a step.

"Sorry, I'm late". Fang uttered.

"Since you all are ready, I'll give you this map. Keep on the track and don't split".

The camp guards handed us a map of the Ancient Temple. We started our tour, but the path wasn't as easy as we expected. There are so many cliffs covered by dried leaves, making us pay more attention to every step we take.

Here comes another problem. There's a junction in front of us, but the map shows a straight direction. We are sure that we're reading the map correctly, but it doesn't help us, i don't see any flags here too.

"The map doesn't seem right, there's a junction here. But the map says to go straight".

Ying looks so confused.

"I think the right path is the correct one, it doesn't have many leaves on the way which means people already walked this way".

Yaya convinced us.

We're about to head on the right path, but it looks like there will be another controversy.

"I'll take the left path. The right path may not have many leaves on its way, but it might lead us to a cliff".

Fang seems right, the wind that comes from a cliff might blow the leaves away. Leaving a clear path on its way.

"Fang is right, the leaves might blown away by the wind. If there's a wind that could wipe all the leaves, it might come from a cliff".

I appended Fang's idea.

We all agreed to choose the left path. However, the path has too many obstacles on its way. Branches are blocking the path sides, making the path a little bit narrow. We decided to walk in order, Yaya and Ying in the front as the track guide, Gopal in the middle followed by me, and Fang on the back line.

"Is the path correct?".

I'm making sure.

"Yes, it looks like the way. According to the map, the Ancient Temple are close by".

Yaya responded.

Finally, we managed to find the way. And we are close to the destination, the other students might arrive there.

My steps slow, each one heavier than the last, as fatigue settles into my muscles. The rhythm of my breath becomes a measured effort, and a subtle ache radiates from my tired feet. There's a weariness in my posture, yet determination lingers in my eyes, a testament to the journey I've endured on this extended walk.

But all of those spirits are gone, just because of a voice from someone.

"Looks like you guys an interesting students huh? Isn't there written to not use any electronic things during the camp? Our phone is also been collected by the guards to make sure none using it. But what's this? You guys bring a robot in your tent?".

Fang talking with disdain on his face.

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