Chapter 8 : A Sphere?

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I pointed my flashlight at something that stumbled on my feet. It looks like a spherical object, covered by a screen just like televisions. I picked it up to see what it was.

"Hm.. What is this thing? Is this a screen? Looks like some kind of electroni- ARRGHHH!".

I was surprised and fell to the ground, accidentally throwing it from my hand. That thing suddenly powered up, showing its eyes on the screen.


What surprised me even more, was that thing could talk, just like a human voice. I have no idea what it was, never seen something like that before in my life.

"What are you?! Did you just talk to me?". I'm terrified.

That thing floats in the air for above 2 feet, coming towards me.

"Hello sir, let me introduce myself. My name is Ochobot. I'm the last generation among the power spheres. How may I call you sir?".

"Power sphere? What is that? Where you come from?".

I was so confused at that moment.

"I'm a robot made in LAB-771. But I couldn't remember how I got in here, it seems like I lost some of my memories during my journey. But thanks to you, that turned back on my power. As a reward for reactivating me, I would like to give you a power".

"A power? What kind of power?".

"Would you like to have it?".

"Sure, give me a power".

I don't take it seriously, what came to my mind at the moment was that this might be a joke from a student that tries to scare me. A power? What a nonsense.

"Now give me your hands".

I extended my hand to Ochobot. And he grabs my hand so tight.

A buzzing noise came from his spherical body. Emitting a luminous light that blinded my vision.

"Congratulations, you are now wielding a superpower".

I looked around my body to see the difference, and I noticed that there was a watch on my wrist.

"What's this?". I asked Ochobot.

"It's a watch that gives you a superpower, if you wear it on your wrist, you'll able to control the power". Ochobot responded.

"Okay, so what's my power?".

"Point your finger into the other".

"Like this?".

I point my finger at the other one like Ochobot said before.


Zap, the sound of electricity sparks sharply. My finger shows an amazing sight, an electrical wave dances between my fingers.

"Woahhh! So this is my power. A lightning manipulator".

I'm so thrilled at the moment. I slapped my face, thinking it was a dream. But it hurts, it means that this is all real.

"You're the best Ochobot!".

My heart blooms and my mind is creating a superhero scenario in my head. I'm a lightning boy right now.

"Wait here Ochobot, I gotta go to the toilet. I'll come back".

Ochobot waited patiently till I finished my business.

"Let's get to my tent, you can come with me".

"Okay, but I have to enter my stealth mode. Just in case someone sees me".

"Stealth mode?". I asked curiously.

Ochobot slowly transforms himself into a soccer ball. This is so amazing, he's like a future robot that everyone couldn't imagined.

I entered my tent, but I still had so many questions to ask. I don't know what kind of thing Ochobot is, and he said he's from LAB-771, where exactly that place is? But I keep those questions in my mind because it's time for bed. We're so busy with the camp schedule tomorrow, so I lay down my head.

"Hm, Ochobot. Can I tell my friends about you? And the power I have right now?".

I asked him while facing into a sky that was coated by my transparent tent ceiling.

"Depends, can you trust your friends?".
Ochobot asked me back in a soccer ball shape.

Well, I could trust Yaya, Ying, and Gopal. But I don't mind telling Fang.

"Yeah of course. They're close to me".

I said to him.

"Sure then. Anyway, how may I call you?".
Ochobot talked to me in a soccer ball shape.

That's right, I haven't told him my name earlier. I was so surprised that I didn't answer his question.

"My name is Boboiboy".

"Nice to meet you, Boboiboy".

Everyone has already slept in their tent, leaving the night in silence. In the quiet stillness of the night, my tent embraced by darkness cradled the soft breath of me. Moonlight filtered through the tent, casting a gentle glow on peaceful expressions. The rhythmic symphony of deep slumber was punctuated by the cicadas singing, creating a serene tableau of restful dreams.

Sunlight gently filtered through the tent, casting a warm glow inside my tent. The soft hum of morning filled the air as I gradually emerged from slumber, blinking away the remnants of dreams.

Camp guards walk around our tent to wake us all. A voice from a megaphone could be heard, the camp guards tell us to have a morning meal. But this time they're the ones who served the food, so we don't have to cook on our own.

I walked outside my tent, the temperatures were insane. It's almost reached a freezing point, although it's on summer days.

I looked up to the sky, the horizon ignited with hues of blue and orange as the sun ascended, painting the sky with its first light. The tranquil beauty of the sunrise whispered promises of a new day, bringing a sense of hope and renewal to the world below.

I lined up to take my meal. It's such a nutritious food, a sandwich with a cup of apple juice and pancakes as a dessert. I picked up my food and came back to my group's area. I sit on the same trunk as yesterday, waiting for my group to come from taking their food.

"Hi, Boboiboy! Good morning". Gopal came first.

"Where's the others?".

"Yaya and Ying are still lining up. They'll probably be here in a mome-".

"Hi Boboiboy, Gopal!". Said Yaya and Ying.

I wave my hand to them and reply to their greetings.

"Guys sit down here, I have something to tell you. But promise not to tell anybody okay?". I whispered.

"What you wanna tell us?". Yaya is curious.

"I just met a power sphere last night".

"A power sphere?".

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