Victoria's POV
After a quick snack break I make my way to Johnnie's room and knock on the door.
"Hey Johnnie, do you mind helping me right now" I slightly yell through the door.
"Yeah just give me a sec" Johnnie replies.
"Kk i'll be in my room" I say
Without waiting for a reply I walk to my room and start to open the box that has my bedframe in it. Johnnie walks silently and stands next to me helping me take out parts of the bedframe from the box.
"So how did it go with Tara"
"It actually went really well, I mean like i've said hi to her and stuff over facetime when her and Jake were dating and she always comments on my tiktoks but I've never had an actual conversation with her till today" I say with a smile on my face. (btw ima say that like victoria is an influencer on tiktok and insta) "And we talked like so much I really hope I get closer because she seems like an amazing friend"
"She is, she'll no doubt get close with you, trust me" Johnnie says, matching Victoria's smile.
"Ok" Vic replies here we go again with the trust me.
We put out the pieces of the bed and start to build it as we talk about random stuff. Johnnies is actually a really nice guy. It's not like I was expecting him to be mean or anything, it's just that I feel like we are actually really similar. I found out that we both listen to similar music and we lowkey talk the same. After we finally place the bed frame in the corner of my room I pick up my phone and check the time.
3rd POV
"Jeez we've been doing this for like an hour and 30 minutes" Victoria says. Talking to Johnnie really made the time go by faster and made it less excruciating.
"Yeah it wasn't so bad though, do you need help with the mattress too or" Johnnie says.
"Well if you would mind" Victoria says, stretching out the word mind.
"No yeah it's fine" Johnnie says not exactly saying what he truly has to say, which isn't much, only that fact that she's really easy to feel safe and comfortable around.
That's a lot coming from Johnnie since he's not known for being really good with new people but Victoria seems really different. He thinks it's mostly because she's Jake's sister and in some ways they seem really similar and that brings comfort, it's also good that Victoria acts like Johnnie in some ways.
Vic opens the big box that contains the mattress and hands Johnnie the scissors on the dresser that Victoria got that day. Johnnie grabs the mattress while Victoria pulls off the box. Johnnie gets the scissors that he placed down earlier and cuts the plastic that is suffocating the mattress.
"Oh hey guys need help" Jaks asks as he stops at Vic's door frame.
"Nah it's ok me and Johnnie are almost done" Vic says as she looks at her brother then his best friend.
"Okayy anyways i'm going to order Pizza what do you want" Jake asks he flips his phone in his hands.
"Are you getting Papa Johns?" Victoria asks as she and Johnnie clean up the mess of plastic and big cardboard boxes.
"Yeah" Jake says with a nod.
"K im fine with whatever then" Victoria says
"ok, you Johnnie?" Jake questions looking at Johnnie.
"Uh, just a cheese pizza will be fine" Johnnie says looking at Jake.
"Okay i'll tell y'all when it's here" Jake says and walks off.
Victoria and Johnnie put the matterase onto the bed. Victoria plops onto the bed with a large sigh. Seeing that Johnnie hasn't followed her steps she pats the spot next to her then moves her hand away. The next thing she feels the mattress sinking in next to her. After a few seconds Johnnie breaks the silence.
"Why is this bed actually better then mine oh my goshh" Johnnie says sounding muffled since es laying face down.
"Guys the pizzas here" Jake yells from the kitchen.
"K coming" Victoria yells back at Jake. "cmon Johnnie" Vic says as she gets up.
After tonight Vic feels very close to Johnnie, they talked about what they like, what their childhood was like, things they've always wanted to do. Their time together was also just spent with meaningless chatter sometimes conversing on how hard it is to be "popular" on social media or current topics that were trending on twitter that day. While Vic doesn't fully trust Johnnie yet and neither does he fully trust her yet, there is an obvious bond forming between them, that will hopefully spark into something more.
"Okayy" Johnnie says grogoly.
They both make their way to the kitchen and greet Jake as they get there. Johnnie goes straight for the pizza while Vic goes to the fridge to get a soda, then Vic goes to get a pizza at the same time Johnnie goes to get a drink. Jake watches the whole "interaction" with a slightly puzzled look on his face but nonetheless he just shook it off with the shake of his head.
Once Victoria was finished with her cold Dr.Pepper she headed to her room and was determined to finish setting up her bed so she could actually sleep in it tonight. Victoria started with taking the new blood red sheets and releasing them from there packaging. She puts the sheets onto the bed then rummages in one of her duffle bags for her silk pillow cases. She then reaches into one of the boxes and pulls out her sleeping pillows. She wraps the 2 pillows with the pillow cases then throws them onto the bed, then she places the new white comforter that she bought from Target yesterday onto the bed. Then she finishes the bed with her new throw pillows and a big, white, fluffy, throw blanket.
Vic grabs a set of pajamas, some of her toiletries and her towel, she then heads to the bathroom. After a long hot shower Victoria is lazily putting skincare on her face due to how tired she is because of everything she was able to crame into one day. Once she's finally done she collects her stuff and heads back into her room but not before she said goodbye to her brother and Johnnie who were both on their phones sitting on the couch. And once Victoria reached her bed she plopped onto it without a single thought to even plug in her phone or turn off her dimly lit lamp.
Hey guys, I'm sorry I haven't updated in so long but I've been swamped with so much work and midterms are kicking my butt. I spent like every day last week either at the library or at a friend's house studying.
Yap sesh: Bro help I was watching Jake on stream when I was writing the first part then the rest of it I wrote while watching johnnie try to play Duvet by Boa and him getting stressed out ab how to play it Also sorry ab me sometimes describing like every little thing i'm struggling to find ways to transition properly but i'll get better trust. HELP AND THEN JOHNNIE STARTED TO WATCH SPIDERS FIGHT AND I LITERALLY HAVE ARACHNOPHOBIA I'M DYING now he's playing mimic. Now he's just spinning in his chair, bro he just fell over help. Bro now im watching caseoh 😭 "does case stand for craves a sandwich everyday" that one truly got me.
Johnnie Guilbert
De TodoJake Webbers sister moves in with him and Johnnie Guilbert. Medium slow burn