♡𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫♡ 15

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Early the next morning, when Jungkook got up, he found that everyone in the huge villa had gone out except him. Facing the empty villa, he was habitually stunned for a while. When he fully woke up, he walked downstairs and walked into the kitchen with an indifferent expression.

After drinking the freshly squeezed soy milk this morning, Jungkook looked at the various breakfasts in front of him, took a piece of bread and walked to the living room.

After sitting down on the sofa, he thought about it and called his mother, "Mom, where have you been?"

Hearing his voice, Mrs. Jeon was very excited and said, "Kookie, you woke up. Your father and brother have gone to work. Your Jin hyung sent me to the hotel to confirm the process of your engagement with Taehyung."

Jungkook's eyes lit up, he ate the bread in a few mouthfuls, crossed his legs and asked, "Mom, which hotel are you going to?"

"Of course we're going to Hettich." Mrs. Jeon smiled, "Son, do you want to come and see?"

Jungkook rubbed the pillow at hand, thought for a while and said, "No need..."

As expected of his own mother, Mrs. Jeon immediately heard that there was something in his words, so she smiled and said, “Son, come on, we are on the second floor.”

"Since Mom has said it, I won't postpone it." Jungkook threw away the pillow, got up from the sofa, hung up the phone, and quickly ran towards his garage - he needed a suitable car to drive in person. Go and make suggestions for his own engagement scene.

On the elevated road, Jin drove the car, turned his head slightly and smiled at his mother-in-law, "Mom, Kook is coming too?"

Nodding to her son-in-law Mrs. Jeon said, "Yes, this brat, when you and Joonie got married, he loved to join in the fun. This time he is finally on his own. How could he not join in the fun?"

Jin smiled and said in agreement, "It's okay if Kook comes to take a look. If there's anything he doesn't like, he can change it. After all, it's such a big deal, so we can't make him unhappy."

"You kid, I wish I could spoil that brat to the sky." Although Mrs. Jeon said so, her eyes looked at Jin with unabashed satisfaction. To say that he is a son-in-law, he really needs to be capable, good-looking, and extremely kind to his family. This makes her often feel that her son must have burned incense to get such a good husband. Son in law……

An hour later, Jungkook came to Hettich. Under the guidance of the waiter, he learned about the entire process of his engagement through PPT in the conference room on the second floor.

Because both families attach great importance to it, his engagement process was not too complicated, taking into account the habits of him and Taehyung. The layout of the entire engagement scene fully demonstrated what it means to be simple yet grand.

After reading the content, the two mothers held hands as if they were best friends for many years and asked, "What do you think Kook?"

Jungkook was also very satisfied and nodded, "It's all good, but... I want to change the main flower to astilbe."

"Astilbe?" The two mothers looked at each other. Mrs. Kim really didn't understand these flowers, but it was different for Mrs. Jeon. After all, she was a woman like a fairy tale, so she reacted immediately, "Okay, let's do it. Use astilbe."

Mrs. Kim looked at her future son- in-law and new besties in confusion and asked, "Astilbe? What is that?"

Jungkook smiled at Mrs. Kim and said, "A flower cultivated from a herbaceous shrub. When it blooms, it is very fresh and lively. It means I want to love you clearly."

𝐀𝐥𝐰𝐚𝐲𝐬 𝐈𝐧 𝐌𝐲 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭 ||𝐓𝐚𝐞𝐤𝐨𝐨𝐤||✓Where stories live. Discover now