3| a proposal

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minho made his way to the bar he was few days ago.

ever since he went there, he couldn't stop thinking about the unfamiliar young boy with a slutty waist.

he couldn't stop thinking about how good it felt to be inside him, hearing his moans and whimpers.
he couldn't focus on his work, and he needed to see him again.
he needed to feel him close again.

he opened the door, his eyes meeting with a familiar boy behind the counter.

"oh, hello. what do you want to drink?"
Chan said with his smile.

"I'm not here to drink. can I ask you something?"
minho said.

Chan nodded.
"of course."

"who's the owner of this bar?"

the wolf like boy smiled.
"that would be me."

"oh, okay. uhm, can I ask for a favor?"

"mhm. what do you need?"

"can I talk to the boy I saw few days ago?"

"I'm sorry, but I don't really remember who was with you. do you know his name? or can you describe him to me?"

minho thought for a while.
"uhm, little smaller than me, squishy cheeks, slim waist, brown hair?"

"oh, yeah. I know who you mean, there is only one guy with squishy cheeks and slim waist."

"so, can I talk to him?"

"oh, sorry, but he is busy right now."
Chan said.

when Chan said that, minho felt something inside him.
he was mad.
why would he be mad?
he didn't have any reason to be mad.
so why was he?
why did he want to be the guy who was with the boy right now?

"when will he be done?"
minho asked.

"you never know. it could take few minutes, but also a hour or two. I don't know."

minho sighed.
he needed to calm his tits down.
he shouldn't be mad that someone else was sleeping with the boy he slept with few days ago.
after all, it was his job to do this.
"alright then, I will wait here. can I?"

"yeah, of course."

"when he comes, can you send him to me?"

Chan nodded, and minho gave him a small smile, before sitting down to a table.

the time surely wasn't going any fast, and minho sat there, looking out of the window, watching people walking around, waiting for the boy.


after the stranger was done, he threw away the condom and put back his pants, before leaving the room.

jisung sighed.
he got up and went down to the bar.
he was thirsty and he needed something to boost him.

"hi hannie."
Chan smiled when he saw jisung sitting at a bar.

jisung returned the smile.
"can you give me a shot of something? I need a little boost."

"wow, not in a good mood?"

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