10| gift

687 34 25

"han jisung!"
felix yelled when he saw his best friend, running to him and giving him a huge hug.
"are you okay?"

"yeah, of course."
jisung chuckled, pulling away from the hug.

"dude, you weren't replying to my messages! how dare you?! do you know how worried I was?"
felix whined.

"don't whine at me, keep that for hyunjin."
jisung said, lightly pushing felix away, who was giving him an offended face.
"I just wasn't on my phone the whole day."

"there is no way han jisung wasn't on his phone the whole day."
felix judged jisung.
"anyway, how are you feeling? you looked very very drunk two days ago. was the hangover bad?"
he chuckled.

"I actually wasn't drunk. I can hold my liquor, and I didn't drink that much. there is a chance that someone might have spiked my drink."

Felix's eyes widened.

"yeah. I went into the bathroom and left my mojito unattended. right after I drank it, I felt really lightheaded. Minho suggested the idea, but it's not like it actually happened, we don't have any proof."
jisung said.

"oh god, are you okay tho?"
Felix said, feeling worried.

Jisung chuckled.
"I am feeling more then great, let's go, so we won't be late, I can't handle another scolding by Mrs. Kim."


"so, Minho, dinner, tonight, you and me, how about it?"
hyunjin said.

"let me guess, felix is busy today."
Minho said, not even looking at hyunjin.

hyunjin wined.
"how is it possible that he's always busy? like, I wanna go and have a dinner with him, but he isn't free."

"he's a sex worker, go figure."
Minho said, giving some papers into hyunjins arms.
"and now go give this to minyee."

"I know, but I can't be going there every single day, it's expensive. don't you want to give me a raise?"

"do your job and I think about it."
Minho said, pointing at the papers.

"how about you gave felix a job here? he wouldn't have to have sex with random people and I could see him every day."
hyunjin said, sounding like he just got the idea of the century.

"three things to that. first, I can't just hire a random person without any experience just because you have a crush on them, second, even if i actually offered him some job here, I'm sure he wouldn't take it. jisung told me how it all works there. he's getting paid a LOT, and on top of that he has a free apartment. he wouldn't get that much money here, and he would be homeless, and three, go deliver the fucking papers before I fire you."
Minho said, actually starting to get annoyed.

"okay, okay, don't need to be bitchy about it."
hyunjin said, making his way to the door, actually a little terrified.


"felix, this thing is making my head explode."
jisung whined.

they were currently at the library, studying.
well, jisung was forced to study, because he would be failing chemistry if he didn't pass this test.
and felix being the amazing best friend he is, and also a master in chemistry, he decided to help his best friend in distress.

"jisung, all you have to do is to-"

"hey bitches, I have some tea~"
seungmin said, sitting next to them.

"oh my god spill."
jisung said, immediately forgetting about his chemistry.

"and all of the progress is gone."
felix sighed, before also looking at seungmin, pretty interested about the new tea.

"apparently, there is some student having a relationship with a teacher!"
seungmin whisper-yelled.

Felix and jisung said in unison.

seungmin nodded.

"do you know who it is?"
jisung asked.

seungmin shook his head.
"no, it isn't known. but from what I have heard, the teacher should be mr. jung from biology class."

"no way!"
jisung gasped.

"isn't he married?"
felix asked.

seungmin nodded.
"he is. that's why it's so crazy. if it's actually true, imagine what would have happened."

"well I'm pretty sure his wife would divorce him."
felix said.

"maybe not."
jisung said.
"I heard she's a stay at home mom, and he's the main source of income. she could loose everything. and I'm not even talking about their kids."

"how is it possible that you know so much about his life tho?"
seungmin asked.

"one of his kids is in my literature class. we sit together, and at the start of the year we had to introduce ourselves and say something about our family and ourselves and shit."
jisung said.

"ANYWAY, how about we went back to chemistry now before we loose all the focus?"


jisung texted Minho few hours ago that he will stay at school longer, because he had to study with felix, and that he will take the bus home, so Minho didn't have to pick him up today.

it was actually a good situation for Minho, because he had some things he needed to do, and he could work overtime today to do it.

"so you refused a dinner with me, but then stay at work? you fucker."
hyunjin said, leaning against the door.

"if you won't leave in the next ten seconds, you're working overtime with me."
Minho said, looking at hyunjin.

"OKAY, that's my que to leave, bye bye mister!"
hyunjin yelled, running out of the door.

Minho just rolled his eyes, before going back to work.


before minho actually went home, he made a quick stop somewhere, but finally, he was home.

opening the door, he walked inside, taking off his shoes, before he went into the living room, seeing jisung sitting on the couch, reading a book.

"oh, hi! what took you so long?"
jisung asked, putting the book down.

"I have a gift for you."
Minho said, giving jisung a bigger plastic bag.

jisung looked at Minho a little suspiciously.
"what is this?"

"look inside."
Minho pointed with his jaw.

jisung side eyed Minho, before looking inside the bag. but just as he did, his eyes went wide, before looking back at Minho.
"you didn't..."

Minho said with a smirk on his face.

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