6| new house

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jisung was laying on the couch with his eyes closed, while soonie laid on top of him.

minho played with doongie and dori.
"so, how do you like your new house?"

jisung opened his eyes.
"it's nice, cozy. it might take me a while to adjust tho, I never lived in this type of place."
he said, caressing soonies fur.

"really? I thought your previous job paid well."
Minho said, looking at jisung.

"yeah, it did, but Chan owns apartments, and he lends them to his workers. I was living with my best friend, who also works for chan and I didn't have to pay rent. it was a win win situation."
jisung shrugged.

"and before you started working for this chan guy?"

Jisung tensed up a little.

"I mean, where did you live before you started working for chan?"

jisung closed his eyes again.
"that's a conversation for another time."

Minho nodded.
jisung probably wasn't comfortable talking about his past, and he wasn't going to force him.

"so, what do you want for dinner?"

Jisung shrugged.
"I don't know, whatever you want is fine."

"alright, do you have any allergies, or some foods you don't like?"

"nope, no allergies, I don't handle spicy food well tho."

Minho nodded.
"fine, how about we order some pizza? I'm craving some different type of food then Korean."

jisung nodded.
"fine by me."


after eating their pizza, and just talking, getting to know each other, they went to the living room.

"so, when does your school start?"

"seven thirty."

"alright, should I give you a lift tomorrow?"


"I mean, yeah, your school isn't that close, right?"

"I mean, from here it's probably like 25 minute walk."
jisung said.

"see? It will be better if I dropped you off every morning and then I can go to work."

"really? thanks."
jisung said, giving Minho a small smile, which Minho returned.

"okay, so, do you want to go to your room and settle in?"

"yeah, sure, can I take soonie with me?"

"I mean, sure, but let your door open, so he can leave if he wanted."

jisung nodded.
"thanks, good night."

Minho gave jisung a small smile.
"good night."


in the morning, Minho was in the kitchen, making breakfast.

sure, he was rich, and he could afford maids and cooks, but he liked cooking, and he didn't mind cleaning by himself, because he lived alone and he only had to clean his mess.
well, not anymore.

A young boy made his way downstairs.

Minho looked around, his eyes setting on his new roommate.

he was wearing shorts, with some oversized shirt, that showed his collarbones.

when Minho looked closer at his exposed neck, he saw how ruined it was.
there were hickeys and red spots everywhere.
Minho knew that these weren't only from him.

"good morning."
Minho said.

"mhm, good morning."
jisung said, with his eyes closed.

"how did you sleep?"

"yeah, good, what about you?"

"good. I'm making some scrambled eggs, is that okay with you?"

"oh, I don't usually eat breakfast."

"nonsense, cmon, you will be hungry."
Minho said, placing the plate with eggs in front of jisung.

jisung just sighed.
"thank you."

Minho nodded.
"I will go change, okay? when you finish, you can just put the plate into the dishwasher, okay?"

jisung nodded and went back to eating, while Minho went to his room, changing clothes.

jisung sat there, but he smiled to himself when he felt a little fluff ball brush against his legs.

he looked down, just to see doongie.

"hi dong dong, how are you? have you eaten?"

doongie meowed, and jisung just chuckled.

"I expect you did. well, I will go change now, Kay?"
he said, getting up and going into his room, choosing his clothes.

he choose something he normally wears.
ripped black jeans, oversized gray shirt with "nirvana" on it

he then took his make up and covered his hickeys.

he was glad that now, they would disappear, and if he had them again, they would be only from a one person.

he took his school bag, headphones, keys and phone, before going downstairs.

Minho was already at the couch, waiting for him.
he looked up, smiling when he saw jisung.

"so, can we go?"
Minho asked.

jisung just nodded, and the two boys went to the garage, getting into the car and driving to jisungs school.

the car ride was silent, the two boys didn't know how to staff a conversation, and before they knew it, they arrived at the school.

"uhm....thank you for the ride."

"yeah, of course. learn well."
Minho said.

jisung nodded and got out of the car, while Minho drove away, to his work place.

super short chapter here, but I had no idea how to continue this😭

don't worry, it will get better🤭

anyway, love you guys, have a good day💋

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