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Casey's P.O.V.

By the time I get downstairs, Alexa, Atlas, Draco and Blaise are already there. I'm wearing a short, green, dress. The common room is already decorated-by Alexa for sure-there are green and silver decorations everywhere, meaning that Alexa decided to stick to the 'stereotypical Slytherin' theme for tonight.

Atlas is dressed in sweatpants and a t-shirt, it'll be fun to see how long it'll take until Alexa murders him for that. He's sitting next to Blaise who's wearing a green suit he's clearly not looking forward to getting killed any time soon-unlike Atlas.

Draco is also wearing a suit, but a black one, he's sitting on the couch holding a cup which I'm guessing is filled with alcohol.

Alexa is wearing a black dress that is slightly longer than mine reaching right above her knees, she's panicking and walking around fixing last minute details.

She always panics before any big event that she's planning and considering this is the first party of the year, I get where she's coming from.

"Lex, sit down with me for a second, yeah?" I say, taking a sit on the couch near the table she's currently repositioning.

"What do you want? I don't have time."

"Just come, the table isn't going to run away."

"She rolls her eyes at the comment but walks over to me and sits down.

"I want you to take a deep breath and calm down, okay? The common room looks lovely, you look amazing and the party is going to be great." I say.

"I know." She sighs. "I'm just making sure everything is perfect, you know?"

"Yeah okay I get that, but you have to calm down, everything is perfect, I promise. Now put that table in it's place and go grab yourself a drink to cool off, get me one too."

"Okay fine." She mutters and gets up, putting the table back where it was before she started moving it and heading to the drinks table, she pours vodka into two cups and walks back here, handing me one.

She finishes her cup in a few seconds. "Lex, slow down, the party hasn't even started yet." I say.

"It's fine." She mutters.

I roll my eyes and finish my cup too.

Just then Hayley and Carina walk in. Carina walks over to us while Hayley heads over to the drinks table.

"Hey, the common room looks great Lex." Rina says.

Alexa nods. "Thanks."

"Hello to you too Rina." I mutter jokingly.

"I said hi the moment I came here, shut up." Rina says.

"I'm just messing with you, jeez." I smirk and she rolls her eyes.

Alexa gets up. "I'm gonna go check on Hayls, make sure she doesn't get drunk before the party even starts, see ya." She says and walks over to Hayley, leaving me alone with Rina.

"So, how long till the part starts?" Rina asks.

"I don't know, let me check." I mutter and pull my phone out, checking the time.


"Two minutes." I say

"Mattheo and Charlotte should be coming here soon then, Lex is going to freak out if they're not there, you know she needs Char for emotional support and Mattheo always does something really stupid that gets people to like the party more." Rina says, looking a little bit worried about the fact that they're not here yet.

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