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Atlas' P.O.V.

September 20th, 1995

Tom's classes are so fucking boring, I mean, history of magic has always been boring but damn, Tom just makes it ten times more boring. He's just going on and on about how Hogsmeade was made as if I care. Like can't he just shut the fuck up already?

The bell rings.


I get up and grab my stuff, walking out of the class.

Thankfully that was the last class of the day. I walk over to Alexa who just walked out of class as well. "Hey Lex." I say.

"Oh, hi Atlas." She smiles. I don't know why but she has been acting different lately, like she's hiding something.

Blaise and Draco walk out of class as well and my eyes fall on Blaise. He's seriously so damn gorgeous, I could stare at him for hours. I feel Draco nudge me and look away. "If you don't want Alexa to know you're crushing on Blaise maybe you should stop staring." He whispers.

"Right." I mutter. Alexa would kill me if she knew I was crushing on Blaise. He's one of the four people she has specifically set off limits because they're her best friends but it's not my fault he's so handsome and funny and sweet.

"I'm going to the Black Lake, I'll see you at dinner." Alexa says and walks off, leaving me alone with Draco and Blaise. "Let's go to the common room." Draco says and Blaise and I nod, following him.

We reach the common room and they sit down at the sofa while I sit on the floor. I don't know why but the floor feels comfier.

Charlotte, Carina and Hayley walk in a few minutes later. "I'm so bored." Hayley says, yawning.

"That's on Umbitch, her lessons are boring. Like, what's the point of Defence Against the Dark Arts if we don't even learn how to defend ourselves?" Carina points out.

"Tom's lessons are way more boring." Draco mutters. I think my siblings, Draco and I are the only people in the school who even call him Tom to be honest.

"I disagree, Umbitch is worse, at least he isn't dressed like a barbie." Hayley says.

"Like a what?" Draco asks, confused.

"A barbie? It's a doll."

"You confuse me sometimes." Charlotte says, by now everyone is just looking at Hayley.

"Ya'll have never heard of barbies?"

"No?" I mumble.

"How is that even possible? What?"

"What the hell is a barbie?" Carina asks.

"Those really cute dolls, I used to beg my aunt and uncle for one when I was younger, never got it." Hayley explains.

"Never heard of it." Blaise says.

"Ya'll are weird. Where's Alexa? I need Alexa." Hayley asks.

"Black lake, she's drawing." I reply.

"Wouldn't recommend bothering her if you want your head to remain attached to your body." Blaise points out.

"Fair point." Hayley rolls her eyes.

Just then Mattheo and Casey walk in.

"Please, tell me that one of you at least knows what a barbie is." Hayley turns to them.

"A ba-what? What the fuck is that that?" Mattheo looks at her confused while Casey just stares at her as if she's speaking another language.

"Yeah no, I'm gonna go ask Alexa, she at least should know." Hayley says and gets up, rushing out of the common room.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11 ⏰

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