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Alexa's P.O.V.

September 10th, 1995

I hate history of magic so much. It's such a useless, stupid lesson, just like the professor. Who the hell decides to give students an assignment to make a timeline of every single event we've learnt since first year and expect us to finish it in one day? It's like Tom was looking for a reason to yell at the whole class.

I'm at the library, I've been working on this for four hours now and I'm not even done with first year. Draco and Blaise gave up an hour and a half ago and Atlas didn't even bother with it so it's just me right now. I am never going to finish this until tomorrow but at least I can try. If I do the most out of the whole class Tom might not yell at me way too much and direct his anger towards other students for once.

I hate him.

And to think I was planning on sketching today, I was day-dreaming about sketching in class and suddenly I saw Tom write the assignment on the board. Stupid asshole.

I finish writing down all the events from chapter ten of the first year textbook which means that I have five more chapters left until I can start with the second year textbook. I might actually finish this today after all-if I don't sleep.

Just then I see Harry walk in along with Granger and Weasley. I haven't talked to Harry since the day we kissed. I look up at them, my gaze following them across the room as Granger picks up a book and walks away with Weasley and Harry who stops as his gaze meets mine. I see him whisper something to Weasley and Granger and they walk out of the library without him.

He walks over to me. I look back down, writing down another date. He sits on the chair next to me. "Hey-" he mumbles.

"Hi." I say, not taking my eyes away from the paper because I'm afraid that if I do I will never look back at it again until he leaves.

"About the kiss-" he tries to say but I cut him off.

"No, don't. I get it, you were drunk, you made a mistake, I made a mistake by kissing you again. End of story."

"I didn't do it because I was drunk, I wanted to. I mean sure, the alcohol helped a little bit with the actual move cause I would have never had the courage to do it without it despite the fact that I'm a Gryffindor, but I really did want to kiss you and even if you don't feel the same way and it was just the alcohol acting I'm glad I kissed you."

"I-" I try to think of what to say. He wanted to kiss me, he actually wanted to, it wasn't just because he had just drunk half a bottle of vodka, "I don't know what to say. I mean I wasn't really thinking when I kissed you again, it just happened but I don't regret it."

"So, what does that mean?"

"That I like you. I don't know if I liked you before or after the kiss but if there's one thing I'm sure about then that's the fact that I like you." I say, mastering up the courage to look at him.

"I like you too."

"Yeah, I figured from that speech of yours."

He chuckles.

I can feel my face burning up. Shit, am I blushing?

"So, now what?" He asks.

"What do you mean?"

"What are we?"

"I don't know Potter, I really don't." I sigh.

"What do you mean you don't know?" He asks. "Do you want to date me? We could at least try to give it a shot, right?"

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