18. She losted everything.

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Aaravya reached mumbai at her house. She was very excited to meet everyone, She missed everyone as she didn't spend much time with them but she had become everyone's favourite everyone loves her a lot.
She reached home and the more happy she was after entering the house the more shocked She became.

Her happiness turned into sadness ,She was confused  after seeing someone lying on floor and body  covered with white sheet , every family members were crying around the body.

Everyone daw Aaravya and bowed their heads.

Aaravya didn't Said anything to anyone.
Aaravya directly mooved forward toward body with courage as she was sensing something bad, She sat in front of body and holds the white sheet , a tear escaped her eyes She don't Know why she removed the sheet.

With that her heartbeats stopped, she felt like she had died. She doesn't want to live anymore and what will she do now she was homeless now .
She became an orphan now.
She saw her mother lying , she was not breathing, her body was Cold as ice . Her mother her parent her friend her everything just left her.
Sh became numb. She was trying to chanalize that how did it all happened.

She started crying her breathing were now becoming heavier, she was crying bitterly.

" Mumma why you're lying on floor , you'll catch Cold , come on wake up?!"
" Mumma why you're not listening to me!!?? What happened to you?? This...this what happened?? .I just left you for some weeks and you lefted me for whole life ...I also want to come with you .you know na I can't live without you .. please please wake up ..
You have any problem we'll go to doctor. I'll  take you to the best doctor . Let's go" By saying this Aaravya started making her mom to sit.

" Aaravya calm down beta!! We can't do anything" Meera said crying.

"Keep courage Aaravya, she is gone we can't bring her back " Divya came forward crying and hugged Aaravya.

" NOOOO ..NOOO !!! It's not possible she can't leave me like this , she can't be soo mean .. mumma please don't be mean please!!" Aaravya shouted on top of her lungs.

Everyone there were not able to see Aaravya's condition, they didn't expected Aaravya to came this much early . They thought They'll Tell Aaravya calmly but she saw her mom like this and how can she be calm .
Aaravya condition was becoming worse. She was crying like mad.

" Aaru mera baccha ! Don't cry please not , now don't cry baccha ,!!" Meera tried to calm down her where she herself was crying hard , she had lost her best friend.

" Mom please tell her her to wake up, Chachi ji please , you also tell her na!!!?? Aaravya said putting her head on Meera's shoulder.

" We can't do anything baccha !! Don't cry like this i Know how are you feeling but please don't cry anymore you'll affect your own health" Divya said caressing Aaravya's face.

Aaravya felt silent. She was breathing heavily, She was not saying anything.
When Meera and Divya noticed Aaravya they saw that Aaravya had fainted as She was not able to take these anymore.
They both panicked and shouted for help.

Prakash and Devansh listend then and hurriedly mooved to Them . They saw Aaravya was fainted. Prakash and Devansh laid Aaravya on couch nearby.
Divya bring water for Aaravya, She sprinkled some water on her but she didn't mooved. Here Meera was rubbing Aaravya's foot and Kaushika was rubbing her hands continuously.
Adhiraj had already called the doctor, soon doctor reaches ad check Aaravya.

" She had got a panick attack, when she gets up make sure she eats something, she had becomes weak too" said Doctor.

"When she'll wake up?" Asked Prakash.

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