Paradise on earth.

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Their the Pogues, and their mission this summer have a good time, all the time.

Kiara is currently holding a beer can while trying to balance on one foot on top of a roof while trying not to fall into the ocean. "That's what, a three-story fall to the deck? I give you about a one-in-three chance of survival." Pope spoke glancing up at her holding a power drill. "Hm, Should I do it?" Kiara asked. "Yeah, jump. I'll shoot you on the way down." Pope said aiming his drill towards Kiara. "You'll shoot me?" Kiara asked, making a gun hand motion. "Yup" Pope said Joking. "Pow!" Kiara said mocking a gun. "They're gonna have Japanese toilets with towel warmers." JJ said walking out of the un-finished building. "Of course they are, why wouldn't they?" John B said. "This used to be a turtle habitat, but who cares about the turtles, I guess?" Kiara mumbled. "I can't have cold towels" John B spoke. "Can you please not kill yourself?" JJ spoke glancing up at Kiara who was still on the roof. "Yeah, and don't spill the beer. I'm not giving you another one." John B spoke. Just then Kiara accidentally dropped the beer and it spilled. "Oh shit!" The Carrera girl yelled. "Of course you did, A-Plus" JJ spoke.

"Hey!" Security yelled. "Hey, uh, Securities here. Let's wrap it up." Pope said pointing out the security guard. "Boys are here early today." John B spoke. "Humpty Dumpty, let's roll." JJ said. "Yeah, let's go boys" Kiara said carefully getting off the roof.

They ran throughout the house trying to escape security. They made it into the Twinkie and sped off. Gary, the security guard chased after the Twinkie "Check out Gary, Gunnin' for a raise." Pope laughed. "Come on, Gary!" JJ shouted at the man running. "Wait, slow down." JJ said teasing the security guard. John B slowed down the Twinkie a bit. "Hey! You little pricks!" Gary hollered. "Stop, you're gonna have him a heart attack." Kiara warned. JJ then threw a beer can at Gary then listened to the Carrera as John B sped back up.

The Outer Banks, Paradise on Earth. It's the sort of place where you either have two jobs or two houses. Two tribes, one island. All right, so where we are right now is figure 8, the rich side of the island. Home of the Kooks. So, guess where we don't live.

John B quickly drove to the Pouge side of the island.

And then this is the south side or the cut. Home of the working class who make a living busing tables, washing yachts, running charters. The natural habitat of ... drumroll, please... The Pogues! That's us, Pogues, pogies, the throwaway fish. Lowest member of the food chain. Okay, so the downside of Pouge life is where ignored and neglected, which means we do whatever we want, whenever we want.

Here is a proper introduction. The boy with the blonde hair, sunglasses, and a hat is JJ, my best friend since the third grade. He's about as local as they come. Latest in a long line of fishing, drinking, smuggling, vendetta holding salt lifers, who made their living off the water. He's the best surfer I know, just don't tell him I said that. Mild Kleptomaniac and a future tax cheat. And that girl with the wavy hair is Kiara, or Kie, as we call her. She's not saving turtles, or listening to Marley, or getting a dolphin tattoo, She hangs out with the boys, I'm not really sure why, though. So, she's a rich kid, actually. Foot in both worlds. Her family owns kthe wreck.' This Outer Banks institution, total cash cow with the tourists. You know, I'm not really sure how her parents feel about the boys. They all have a thing for her. But she Disney have a thing for them, she has a thing for Sarah Cameron.

The brown-skin boy, is Pope! The brains of the operatio. finalist for the Lucas Vanderhorst merit scholarship. And the smartest person I know. And he's a little bit of a weirdo. His father's legendary character, Heyward. Anything you want on the island, Heyward could get for you. Now, I'm not sure Heyward knew what to make of his oddball son, but it didn't matter. He was a Pouge, just like the rest of us.

Lastly, John Booker Routledge. And this is where he lived, an old fish shack one the marsh. The Chateau, as his dad used to call it. His dad disappeared at sea 9 months ago looking for a shipwreck. Not to mention, Kiara's dad was with John B's dad, so he went missing as well. Who disappears at sea these days?

But that's the crew.


They Pouges got invited to a beach party, by who? I have no idea. But they decided to show up. The 4 of them arrive at a beach with all the stuff they need for the kegger. then it suddenly becomes more crowded.

You can't understand the Outer Banks without understanding the boneyard it's like a three layer burrito.

Then there's us, and our friends, the working class Derelicts.

There are the kooks, the rich second homers. They're mostly from poncey-ass boarding schools, just trustafarian posers. Our natural enemies, and then there are the tourons. Totally clueless. here for a week or vacation with their families.

All of the Pogues are seeing talking with some other person.

That's Sarah Cameron. Kook princess. Kiara's best friend in the ninth grade, worst enemy in the 10th grade. Kiara and John B work on her dad's boats, More Kiara than John B but he's seen her around.

Then that's Topper, her not so pleasant boyfriend. Topper actually thinks Pogues were bred to Mow lawns.

"John B, you want this beer? Actually never mind" JJ says.

Kiara looks at him confused "Jay, what are you doing?"

JJ walks up to Sarah who is closely followed by Topper, "Hey, Hey. Hey, Sarah! Sarah, can I interest you in a tasty Milwaukee beverage?" JJ questions holding up the cup. "No, thanks. We were just leaving." Topper answered for her. "Oh, That's nice. But I didn't ask you." JJ shrugged. "It's fine, I'll take it." Sarah said about to take the cup but Topper smacked it out his hand laughing. "Dirty ass Pouges." Topper laughed. Kara shoves past JJ and walks up to Topper. "You're so funny man, hey!" Kiara shouted while John B, Pope and JJ held her back. She's surprisingly really strong.

"Classic Pouges." Topper mumbled. That set something off in Kiara. She pushed passed everyone and quickly shoves Topper. "Listen, you better watch your fucking mouth. I don't know who you think I am but I'm not it." Kiara said getting angry.


"Kie. We're supposed to be incognito, remember?" John B tried to remind her.

"Babe, Babe, Babe, babe..." Sarah tries to get Topper to stop and calm down.

But he connects a fist right to Kiara. Then while she's down in the water he kicks her around again.

"Hey, Kiara, don't make me drown you like your old man, all right?" Topper tells her and kicks her down again.

Everyone is chanting for us to fight.

Kiara gets up and Tackles him into the water.

"Give it to him!" Someone yells.

"Kie let go!"

They keep fighting until they both push each other still angry as hell.

"Topper! Stop it!" Sarah yells

"Kiara, let it go!" Pope also yelled.

JJ and John B are actually encouraging it at this point.

"You really wanna go?" Topper asks.

Kiara just nods.

Topper shoves her face into the ocean, drowning her.

"Topper! Enough let her go now!" Sarah said shoving him back and lifting Kie out the water. Kiara looks traumatized, she yanks her grip from Sarah and backs away.

Kiara lunges at Topper and decides it's his turn, she shoves his head underwater and Topper can't get up. "John B, can you check your physco friend, please?" Sarah shouts!

"What was that you said earlier topper? Come on, Topper!"

JJ admits it beginning to be too much so he grabs a gun and fires it in the ocean so it hurts nobody but it's still affective.

"Everyone shut the fuck up and stop! Or else things will go really wrong." JJ warned.

"Okay, Okay. We're good. We're good." Topper repeated.

"Speak for yourself." Kiara said and left.

That was the last time any of them heard from her all week.

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