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It's been a few weeks since the incident and a lot has happened. Here's a recap, Convinced that "some clues" found on board the boat connects to his father, John B leads, his friends on an increasingly, frantic search for answers. As the gang hatches and illicit scheme to get to the bottom of the deep-sea mystery, John B confronts Sarah, while pope jumps at the chance for revenge. When be supervision, free home, life catches up to him, he receives a well, timed assist, and some spiffing up from the last person he expects (Sarah.) John B believes he's made a breakthrough in the hunt for the gold (which he really wanted to find) but his desire to include Sarah and the quest causes friction among the friends. Which is where they are now. Arguing.

I can see you standing, honey
With his arms around your body

"You know, we had a good thing going." Kiara started. "Oh no." John B mumbled. "But then you decided to rope in Barbie, and now the trails gone dry. Coincidence? Probably not."Kiara finishes. "This is exactly why I didn't wanna tell you about Sarah." John b said.
"What the hell's the deal with you two?" John B questioned
Kiara started to tense up "nothing" Kiara mumbled. "Nothing?" Is it because I kissed you? Is that the problem?" John B asks getting cocky.
"Oh," pope said
"Oh, shit" JJ said.
"Stop testing like I'm some girl that's obsessed with you. Instead of your best friend who's actually trying to look out for you." Kiara warned. "Did you, uh... hit me?" John B questioned. A scoff from the blonde girl bringing everyone back. The blonde girl walked in and cuddled up near John B.

I can see you standing, honey
With his arms around your body

Kiara felt a pit emerge in her stomach, Jealousy? Nah that can't be right.

"No fucking way. You brought her here? So what? She's in on this now?" Kiara said getting upset. "I dunno" Pope shrugged. "Look, all I care about is her cut comes out of your share." JJ said pointing at John B. "You know, I don't remember taking a vote. This is our thing, a Pouge thing" Kiara said. "I gotta say, i'm just a tad uncomfortable with all of this" Pope spoke again. "Thank you!" " when are you not?" John B questioned. "I dunno. I rode here on the back of JJ's bike pretty comfortably." Pope spoke defending himself. " It's true, most relaxed I've ever seen him." JJ said agreeing with Pope. " You know we were all extremely comfortable until you brought her." Kiara said speaking for everyone. " stop talking about me like I'm not here." Sarah said. "Then leave." Kiara said.

Oh shit things are getting crazy.

"I told you." The blonde said with a scoff. " Told him what, exactly? They you're a liar?" Kiara asked. "No, that you're a shit talking bitch!" Sarah said. Pope and JJ laughed at the two girls.

Laughin', but the joke's not funny at all

"Everyone shut up!" John B yelled. Everyone went silent, "Kie you are my best friend, and Sarah you're my..." John B paused. "Say it" Sarah whispered. "My girlfriend" JJ and Pope gasped.

Kiara's heart dropped. She just shook her head and left. Literally, she walked away.

"I'm gonna leave." Sarah sighed. "Sarah, don't play John B pleaded. Sarah just got up and left too.

Pope went to search for Kiara, and seen her by the dock crying. "Composes cry too, you know. Well, they secrete fluid from their eyes." Pope said. "Maybe not compare my feelings to secretions" Kiara stated with a soft tone. "Technically it's discharge. I'll stop talking now" Pope said as he sat by the Carrera. "I'm sorry, I just hate John B right now. Look, it's just I know how this ends. I've seen this movie. I started in it." Kiara started.

I think I've seen this film before
And I didn't like the ending

" I mean, freshman year, it was first year at the Kook Academy. You know how intimidating that is? And one of these things is obviously not like the other. I mean, I didn't have anything in common with anyone, and just as I'm about to slit my wrists, the queen asks me if I wanna go save baby sea turtles. Our first day together, we walked to the beach. We waited for the hatch, and we kept the seagulls off so that the turtles could get to the water" Kiara rambled. "That... actually sounds Kinda nice." Pope spoke. "It was the best day of my life. And then she turned on my like everyone else has, which is why I stopped being a Kook and wanted to be a Pouge. Everyone I met as a Kook left me and not a Pouge single Pouge has left me yet. Look, I'm not doing this with her. He's gonna have to choose." Kiara said.
"You know he can't to that."
"Why not."
"Because he's an idiot. If it was me I'd know who I'd choose." Pope spoke honestly while standing up. "You know, Kie, You aren't upset because John B is choosing Sarah, You're upset because you're Jealous and in love with her. You want to be this "perfect girl" and you have no idea how to do that and it's okay. Everyone expects you to date a boy like Me or JJ but that's not what you want, you want Sarah Cameron." Pope spoke and Kiara tried to deny it. "You can deny it all you want but we both know I'm not lying." Pope spoke walking away.

Pope walked back into the Châteu. "What did she say?" John B asked. "That you are an idiot." Pope spoke. "It's a no-brainer, pick Kie." JJ said. "No, I need both of them. I have a plan and you two shitheads will help me" John said grabbing a beer and leaving.

The next day Pope went a got Kie on a boat and took her to another boat. The boys ran off the boat when they had Kiara where they wanted and the boys got back on the boat Pope is in. They quickly sped off and that's when Sarah appeared. "Oh my fucking gosh" Kiara mumbled. She pulled out her fun to see a text from JJ "we can't come back until you reconcile your differences"

Sarah jumped in the water to swim after the boys boat and got Sarah stung by a jellyfish. Sarah got back on the boat and Kiara saw a huge ass wound. "Hey, Kiara. You know what they say... about curing jelly fish stings?" Sarah asks. Kiara knows exactly what she's talking about but doesn't want to so she denies it. "No. Mm-Mm"
"You have to pee on me"
"The fuck I look like? I have a better idea."
Kiara went and got the blunt and handed to Sarah after she lighted it "It's for the pain" Kiara stated.

Time passed and the girls actually started having fun, more Sarah than Kiara but it's whatever. "Hey Kiara." Sarah started but was cut off by an annoyed Kiara. "Oh my god, enough of the 'Hey, Kiara!' Bull shit" Kiara mocked Sarah with a high pitched voice. "Why did you do it?" Kiara asked, voice shaky. "Why'd I do what?" Sarah asked. "We were best friends. We stole beers from your dad's fridge, we watched movies together, and then the next thing I know I'm watching your birthday party happen from instagram." Kiara mumbled the last part. "It was one party" Sarah said feeling guilty. "You invited everyone but me. And then you told everyone I was the reason your party got busted." Kiara said, "Okay, well, who else would've called the cops?" Sarah questioned. "You never asked. You just let the rumor go, that I was a rat" Kie mumbled tears threading to spill out her eyes. "You were my best friend, and then you ghosted me. And I don't even know why! I mean, really, what did I do?" Kie asked.

"You liked me." Sarah mumbled. "W-What?" Kiara asked getting scared that the cameron girl could've known about her feelings for her. "When people get close to me, I feel trapped. And... I bail.  Then I blame them for it. I'm really sorry and I miss you" Sarah admitted. Kiara tried to show no emotion but failed miserably by letting out a broken sob. "Do you think that there is a chance we could be okay again?" Sarah asked with the slightest bit of hope ever. Kiara shrugged. "Honestly, I don't know... " Kiara spoke honestly.

You're not my homeland anymore
So what am I defending now?
You were my town
Now I'm in exile, seein' you out
I think I've seen this film before

A few minutes have passed and the girls got ready for bed, laying down. Kiara stared at the ceiling not being able to sleep but the Cameron girl was the opposite almost  fast asleep. "Hey, Sarah" Kiara said softly. "Hey, Kiara" Sarah mumbled tiredly. "Promise me that you won't bail on John B" Kiara said. "No.. I can't, I really can't." Sarah said. "Why not?" Kiara asked.

I think I've seen this film before.

It took 5 whole minutes for the Cameron girl to respond, she tried to think of the right words.

And it took you five whole minutes

"After... After we talked earlier I realized that I don't really want John B the way I want you.. it's always been you Kiara. I need you and I love you. I can't love anyone the way I love you. I'm really sorry and you can be upset. I just gotta be honest" Sarah admitted.

Kiara took time to process that. "I'll break up with John B if it means  I can be with you." Sarah said.

"I love you too. That's why I was so upset earlier. I was just jealous, Pope was right. I do wanna be with you but I don't wanna ruin anything you or John B has going on." Kiara sighed.

Sarah turned over and kissed her. Their lips fit together like 2 puzzle pieces perfect for each other.

They pulled away for air. "You won't ruin anything." Sarah promised. Kiara nodded and said "Let's talk more about this tmr, also I'm sorry I called the cops." Kiara said smiling at the last part.
" I knew it"
They 2 girls giggled.
"I knew it you bitch" Sarah joked. "You-You should've invited me" Kiara said laughing hysterically. "So you called the cops?" Sarah asked while laughing equally as hard. "Yes!" Kiara confirmed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25 ⏰

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