-The Beginning-

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Julia Ross groaned as she pushed open her apartment door, she has a roommate, Conan, he's the peak-high school type of guy. He wasn't always the best roommate but given her financial situation this is what she must deal with. He was sprawled on the couch. Julia just rolled her eyes and headed to the kitchen, where her leftovers were waiting for her in the refrigerator. She gleefully opened the fridge door, only to be greeted by an empty shelf. "FOR FUCK SAKE", she thought angrily. She took a deep breath to cancel out all the ways she thought she could kill him. "Conan?", she asked sweetly, almost too sweetly. "Yeah?", he replied. She took another breath "where are my Chinese leftovers?". "Oh that container in the fridge? yeah I ate that earlier, sorry, was it yours?"."Mhm! it was, never mind..", she said as she left the kitchen.

Julia decided to not make a big deal about it and went to her bedroom with an apple and a handful of peanuts. She sat on her bed, frustrated. She pulled out her phone to a new message from...wait...from Alex. Her boss? "no that can't be right".
"I need you in tomorrow morning, 9am.", it read.
No reason. Nothing. Yet it had authority dripping from every letter. "As if this evening couldn't get any worse", she thought. Tomorrow was supposed to be her day off, but that's been thrown out the door.

She thought to make the evening count and she decided to sit back and relax and watch 'Friends' until 10 o'clock, by then she thought she should get ready for bed and work unfortunately. She got up brushed her teeth and washed her face in her bathroom.

She set her alarm for 8, climbed into bed and lay there for a while, going over the days events. Julia thought about work, about how Alex was acting today (same as always) although he had a new tie. She doesn't know why she notices these things, "he's attractive that's why", her conscience tells her. "He's your boss!", it replies.

She settled into her comfortable bed and closed her eyes. Eventually she slipped into a deep sleep, unaware of what tomorrow will bring....

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