-The Journey-

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It was finally the day. Julia was bursting with excitement, she had called Cassie earlier on in the week and told her about her trip. She did feel bad that her first time in Paris would be without her best friend. Despite this Cassie was very excited for her, she wished she could come but she was too busy studying for her finals in college. She asked what the sleeping arrangements would be like and Julia reassured her that they would have separate rooms (given she booked them). Cassie had to make sure there would be no 'funny business' as she put it.

The past couple days were normal enough, although Alex was staying a lot later in the office in the evenings. But that wasn't totally out of the ordinary for him. He was acting as his same cold self. Julia brought him coffee and a scone each morning as she rarely saw him eat he was that busy. Yesterday, Alex told her to come into work at 6:30am and he would dive them to the airport.

Friday arrived and Julia had set her alarm for early that morning to give her time to get ready. She got ready, grabbed her packed suitcase and headed down her apartment's elevator. Today she wore a pair of navy high waisted slacks and a tight white t-shirt. It was almost Summer so she thought better to not bring a coat although she did pack one in case. She stood in the elevator scrolling through messages, double checking she has the time right, luckily she does. Her heels clicked on the hard pavement as day was breaking behind her, paining a beautiful scene across the sky. After her suitcase was heaved into the trunk she drove off to her workplace. Paris was quite a long flight so she made sure to bring music for the flight.

"Good morning, how come you're in so early?", she asked Kathleen, the receptionist.
"Sweetie I'm always in at this time, I open in for the boss", was the reply.
"Oh right, well thank you for that.", Julia said smiling.
"So how come you are in so early?", Kathleen asked.
"Well, Alex has a couple of conferences in Paris!", she said excitedly. "Because I'm his personal assistant I have the pleasure of accompanying him", she added
"Pleasure?, Really?"
"Well...", she laughed.

"So, not a pleasure?", came another voice, not one from Kathleen. A deep husky voice. Julia turned to face Alex, standing VERY close. Her heart sped up a couple of beats. His usual sent of leather and coffee was lingering in the air.
"Hah, you know I didn't mean that", she said slightly awkwardly as she playfully hit his arm. "WHY did you do that. OMG he probably thinks you are psycho...", she thought.

His reaction wasn't one she was expecting. She expected a cold look and a harsh word. But instead he looked, for a second, like he was going to actually play as long and laugh. He must've thought better of it as he didn't react that way. Instead of the expected bitter reaction, Alex looked... intrigued almost.

Their eyes locked, and the air grew thick. The pits of his emerald green eyes was the only thing Julia could focus on. She knew his eyes were nice but from this point they're...angelic. From the latter's perspective Julia's bright blue eyes were enticing. He couldn't look away.

A loud 'ahem' from Kathleen broke the contact after a couple of seconds.
"We should go", Alex said straightening his tie. "I would be displeased if we arrived late", he added and raised a brow at Julia.
"After you", she jokingly bowed.

They exited the building, Julia a pace behind Alex. He led the way to a stunning matt black Aston Martin. Alex looked over his shoulder to tell Julia to give him her suitcase.
"Where is your suitcase?", she said, noticing he didn't have one.
"On the jet", he replied.
"The jet?".
"Yes. Well, my jet".
"OMG no way we are going on a private jet", she asked in disbelief.
"You underestimate just how much money I have earned from my company", he stated.

They both walked around to their sides of the car and got in. "What a stud car. He looks good driving it too", her conscience said while she stared at his hand gripping the wheel. There was something incredibly seductive about it. His veins popping, images of the same hands around her neck flashed in her mind.

He drove fast, but controlled. Cool, calm and collected. They travelled in silence as he didn't allow radio or anything. The pair arrived at a huge open space of concrete, parked there was around 10 jets.

"Are these all yours?!", she asked surprised.
"Do you think I'm senseless? Would I ever need 10 jet planes? No, this is just a plot of land for a couple of my... acquaintances to store their vehicles", he responded.

Even though she was 5"8 she felt small compared to all of these planes but also the 6"1 man beside her. They boarded a light blue jet while a cabin crew member retrieved her suitcase.
The interior was elegant, cream colours and dark wood table tops. She and Alex greeted the pilot and moved back into the seated area. Julia allowed him to take his seat first, then she sat a couple seats away to give him space although she could still see him.

He sat comfortably on his seat, his legs slightly spread. He looked...sad maybe, she wasn't sure. He was difficult to read. She decided to watch the runway as they took off leaving the ground below. The flight was going smoothly.

By the time Julia glanced back at him, he had his laptop out on the table- working. She understood that he is the CEO and has to work a lot, but holy moly he works constantly. Ever since she started working for him 3 weeks ago, that is ALL she seen him do. Workaholic doesn't even begin to describe this.

A half hour or so passes of their 5 hour flight. Alex- still working, although he has lost his blazer and now is wearing his shirt with the sleeves rolled up exposing his forearms. She never thought forearms could be sexy but he somehow managed it. Her eye caught on the watch he was wearing, Patek Philippe, it looked priceless.

Eventually, after about an hour, Alex closes his laptop and sits back. He seemed to have finally relaxed, his brow un-furrowed and his shoulders released. He sat looking at the table in front of him in deep thought. Julia couldn't take her eye off him and he must have felt her gaze because the next second their eyes were interlocked. They watched each other until Alex raised a brow and Julia looked away.

She decided to check the bookings for the hotel on her phone. She opened up the website and clicked onto her booking. The hotel she booked was gorgeous, 5 star accommodation and also really popular. Although when she told the employee it was Alex Davis who was coming their tone changed to sweetness. He was a very well known and well respected man. When she clicked on the booking she expected to see two room numbers but- "Oh no, no, no, no, no, no, no. This can't be happening", she thought panicked. Julia searched the website but nowhere to be found was the second room.

Alex watched all this happen with curiosity. He was carefully studying her face and how her graceful features were pulled together to express her confusion, how her white t-shirt perfectly hugged her waist. Or how beautiful hair draped gorgeously around her pretty face. He too was, attracted per say, to Julia but he forbade himself from acting on it (yet), he strictly separates personal life from work life, he would also just end up breaking her heart. Although his personal life has been kind of taken over by this work. He missed going out to bars and charming girls, but he committed to his company and it has got him really far......far away from his past...

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