-Work chaos-

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Julia awoke to the sun shining through the curtains, casing a warm light in her bedroom. She rubbed her eyes in an attempt to wake herself up, she checked the time on her phone. 9.16am it read. "What no- no I set my alarm for 8 o'clock it can't be after 9", she thought panicked. She double checked the time, yep 9.16am. "Shit, shit, shit FUCK how did this happen?", she thought. She leaped out of bed and scurried through her wardrobe for an outfit. She went with a pin skirt and a blouse, casual office attire.

She searched her still fuzzy mind for an excuse for why she was so late, her boss is not going to be happy. She quickly rushed around grabbing her phone and her handbag, no time for coffee unfortunately. Before she left hurriedly she sprayed herself with her favourite perfume.

9.27am- Yep she's fucked. Luckily most of the morning hustle and bustle has passed, so when she hopped into her car and sped off to work it was quite a smooth drive. It's a good thing Julia can drive for she would be tremendously late if she has to take the bus or train. Her work was around 10 minutes away so she got to her building at 9.35am (she drove really fast).

Nervously she got out of her car and sped walked into the building. She made sure to say hello to the receptionist, Kathleen, she always believed in karma and putting out good energy. After she entered the elevator and pressed the top floor, she filed through her options. What was she going to tell Alex. She could tell the truth? but it wouldn't be believable, and besides he would tell her to be more organised or something.

Then the worst happened, the elevator dinged, the doors open and who walked in. Alex fucking Davis. 'Oh well this is just fantastic', she thought sarcastically, just accepting the fact this isn't going to go down well. The elevator doors enveloped the both into silence.

"Mr Davis, good morning", she said awkwardly trying to break the silence.
"Good morning, you are late. You did get my message, yes?", he coldly replied.
Her breath caught in her throat, she coughed and said: "Well yes I did, I'm so sorry I-"
"I don't want no excuses, thank you", he interrupted while raising his hand. "You very well know that I do not tolerate tardiness, I want you in my office at 11am, and Julia please don't be late this time." he finished his sentence. They both sat in the thick awkward silence which made Julia want to curl up in a ball in the corner. Alex, on the other hand, looked indifferent. The elevator dinged for a second time and he departed.

He swiftly walked out leaving only the sent of leather and coffee. Julia was stricken, she had no words only worry of what this 'meeting' would entail. She stepped off the elevator and walked as nonchalantly as she could to her desk.

She laid her head in her hands and ran her fingers through her hair, only to realise she probably looks a mess, no makeup on and messy hair. She sighed loudly and sat back in her chair, logged on the computer and carried on working so she wouldn't get into any more trouble. Although she couldn't help but wonder and worry what Alex wanted to say.

11am rolls around and instead of Julia going to the canteen she is forced the other way into Alex's office. She raps her knuckles on the door a couple times and waits for a response. It comes almost immediately. "Enter", his husky voice shot through her.

Julia takes a deep breath and pushes open the door. His office was... well designed, rich leather table with beautiful wood floors. It didn't surprise Julia that his office was so neat, it also smelled really good like fresh mint.

"Good afternoon, Mr Davis". He doesn't even look up from his computer. "Sit", he told her. As if a command she immediately sat. Alex finally looked up from his computer with dangerous eyes that made Julia want to squirm. She decided to let him speak first so she waited.

"Ms Ross," he said after an excruciating amount of silence, "you've worked for me for how long? Nearly a year. Correct?"
"Mhm yeah that's right", she replied nervously.
"Now why, today, have you been late?", he asked, not looking for an excuse but an explanation.
'"My alarm, it didn't go off, I did set it last night though", she answered.
"It's a pity, really..." he trailed. Julia's curiosity got the better of her.
"What do you mean 'a pity'?", she asked.
"Well I was going to give you a 'promotion' as such", he said as he intertwined his fingers.
"WHAT?!- ahem- sorry what?", she blurted out.
"I was going to ask you to be my assistant, but-"
She was starstruck... "oh please I will be better I can do it I promise", she said hurriedly.
He closed his eyes, held up one finger and said : "firstly don't interrupt me, secondly you've proved to me today that you may not always be reliable", he spoke calmly and coldly.
"Mr Davis, it is awfully unfair for you to rule me out for a promotion on one small mishap, it's unjust. I've proven reliable for nearly a year straight, I always meet deadlines and I've only been late once- today." she said confidently.
"I appreciate your poise Ms Ross, but for future notice- don't speak to me like that". He was annoyed, but the way he rumbled her name made her stomach do a backflip. "That is all", he said dismissively. She was lost for words for the second time today. Julia walked to the door she looked back at the elegant but aggravating man behind the desk, then shut the door behind her.

'WTF! great I've just lost a promotion over my stupid alarm! UGH this is so unfair I deserve that promotion!' she angrily thought after leaving his office.

For the rest of the day all she could think about was how stupid Alex was being, although she would never say that to him, oh no way. When it finally reached 5pm Julia hurried out of the office not wanting to be there any longer that she has to. She called the elevator and waited, she hear the footsteps of the cold, smart, good looking man behind her. Her heat sped up, she's had enough of him today so when the elevator doors opened she hurried inside. As the doors were closing again she caught a glimpse of him, he was on the phone, pacing. 'Ugh he's honestly gorgeous', her intrusive thoughts said.

She got to the reception, said goodbye to the receptionist and left her work in her car still thinking about the events of the day.

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