December 5, 1938

800 22 17

Dear Diary,

I have terrible news. Ursel died yesterday. She was not getting enough food. It also had to do with the fact that she had been sick last week. I did not even realize what had happened until one of the nicer soldiers told me. He knows who my mother is. He also knew who my sister... was. Mother has become depressed and lonely. I am even more scared now than ever before.

Everything in my life is slowly fading away. I have forgotten how to properly smile. My baby sister is gone. I haven't seen my mother in over three weeks, and I have no clue what has become of my brother and father. What if father is sick? I don't know how he would be able to handle these conditions. He might even have it harder since they are men. My brother is strong, but everyone has their breaking point.

I'm terrified that Mother will do something reckless after what has happened. I am so busy with the uniforms that I never get to see her. Why must my life be so hard? I wish with all my heart that my family had not been split apart. All I want is to leave this horrific place. To be able to prank my brother and have Father kiss me goodnight. I want to get emotional as I watch my brother stare at the love of his life as she walks down the aisle. I want my family back.

- Nadette

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