December 20, 1938

754 22 7

Dear Diary,

What I am about to tell you is finally good news. Late last night I heard a soft knocking at my door. Bernardo had escaped. Father got wind that I was the only woman in our family still alive, so he set my brother to get me and escape. We got to Berlin just as the sun appeared and were extremely tired. In order to get here we had to run all night.

A few ten minute stop on the way so our legs wouldn't fall off. We fell asleep when we found an abandoned house to stay in. Bernardo and I woke up around noon. He told me to stay put and went to see if there is any edible food around here. Speaking of which, he's been go for a while now. I wonder what is taking him so-

A/N: Yes the break off is intentional. What happened? You'll just have to see.

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