Knife to The Back

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Sunil's POV
I wake up with Fabio in my arms, Ashton, Gavin and Mattia are at Johnny's. Fabio looks at me, Amore don't get mad. Johnny had a party in LA, I say what's wrong with that. Mt heart sinks, the kids were invited and thry went. I check Johnny's Social Media, but his name don't come up. So I use my main account, I see him with all his friends. Even Andrea, Hayden Summeral, and alot of people who are my friends their.

I ring him, he does not pick up. I ring using another Number, he picks up. Hey this is Johnny, Hey how was the party. To ashamed to have your Ex their, and one of your bestfriends. But have the kids their, fuck you. You never came how are you angry at me, how can I not be. Your ashamed to have me at you party, you Ex. No I'm not embarrassed, you must be. You was the one who never decided to come, the friend I thought I could count on. Maybe not, fuck you. Don't contact me, he cuts off the phone.

How could he not invite me to his 21st, amore I was. But you never mentioned it, I thought you wasn't gonna go. But I did not know, you never knew about it. Fuck this, where you going Amore. LA to confront him, did the kids not mention it. No they just said they were going to see dad, so I thought nothing of it.

Hours later, we arrive. Fab here's the keys to the house. Where you going Amore to see Johnny, I'll come too. Fab I need to do this alone, I'll be back soon. Fabio kisses me, be safe he says.

I got to Johnny's Family House, Meridith opens the door. Hey you ok sir, hey mom it's me Sunil. You look different, it's the meds put on some weight, your a bit late to the party. I begin to cry, I would have been here if I knew about it. No that can't be, you never knew. She hugs me, John is not home right now. Come in, she sits me in the kitchen. Love the new house, your first time here. Come to think of it, you never came to any of the dinners or party's we had. The kids did, but you never. Oh no, you were never told. Is Johnny ashamed of me, no he shouldn't be. He loves you, he still talks about you. But never mentioned that you are ill, the door opens. The kids run upstairs, John you got a visitor. What the fuck you doing here, well you did not want to speak over the phone. Good party was it, ashamed to have me. HOW THE FUCK ARE YOU ANGRY, WHEN YOU NEVER CAME. BUT YOU CAME WHEN IT FINISHED, John don't shout. I'm disscusted in you, mom how can you be angry at me. When he never came to your sons birthday, I begin to cry. John you never invited him, I.i.i did. He's just saying that, no John you didn't Mer says. He looks at me, he instantly knows I'm not lying. Fuck, im sorry. Were you to embarrassed to invite me, are you ashamed to call me your bestfriend. What did I ever do to you, he sits on the couch. I did invite you, he checks his phone. Fuck I'm sorry, I invited the kids. Yeah they came, I knew nothing about it. Did the kids not mention it, no and even if they did I would not of came. You should of told me yourself, not the kids. I invited Fabz, yeah but that Fabio not me. Your right, I'm sorry. Just say your ashamed of your EX, knowing you could do better. Telling people I'm your ex, they would say thinks to you. He says nothing, I get up. I hug Meridith, thanks mom. I leave, I hear Mer say. JOHNNY IM ASHAMED OF YOU, HOW COULF YOU JOT INVITE HIM. YOU HAVE BROEKN HIS HEART, THEIR IS NO EXCUSE YOU INVITED YOUR KIDS BUT NOT HIM. YOU DID NOT EVEN ANSWER HIS QUESTION, Dale walks in. Your late he says, you missed the party. He hugs me, what happened. Ask your son, he'll have a thrill telling you the full story. What do you mean Dale and the kids say, Comeback in. JOHNNY YOUR MEANT TO BE HIS BESTFREIND, YOU STABBED HIM IN THE BACK. I FEEL SO ABD FOR HIM, HOW MUCH PAIN HE WILL BE IN Mer shouts.

I sit on the step, just crying. I leave, ill see you soon kids.

I walk home in tears, how could he do that to me. After everything we went through, he could not even invite me to his 21st birthday party. He's ashamed of me, to have me around his friends. What did I do, I'm stopped by Lauren. Hey long time no see, how are you. Good you, I kissed you at the party. Oh the party I was never invited to, why would you see me Laur. Omg I'm sorry, he did not invite you. No, were going to get this sorted. I can't no atleast right now, I fall to the fall. My heart begins to stop, I hear Lauren Shouting Sunil stay with me. My defibrillator kicks in, I gasp a breath. I'm ok, just had a mild cardiac arrest. I have a defibrillator, on my chest. I just feel so tired, were getting you home.

Lauren holds me, we walk in the house. What happened Sunil, Johnny says. I push him, Gavin comes down. What happened, he just fell Lauren says. Put him in my bed Johnny says, Mattia rings Fabio.

I lay in Johnny's bed, everyone walks in. So we need to get this sorted, Lauren says. Is it true dad, Ashton says. Yeah Johnny says, I thought I sent it him. I'm sorry Sunil, I really am. To answer your question from earlier, am I ashamed of you no. I did not answer, because you shocked me. I hurt so bad, I felt like you stabbed a knife in my back. If I knew I would of dropped everything, it hurt that I found out of Fabio. I had to check you Social Media for it, everyone blowing up my phone where I was. It hurt more, I'm sorry. Johnny you idiot Lauren says, let's give them some space. I turn over and cry, Sunil I am sorry. John just go, no the damage has been done. You hurt me, to the point my heart stopped. Luckily I was wearing my defibrillator, and Lauren was there.

Johnny it killed me, so is this. Just go, he puts my head on his shoulder and looks down at me, remember how I fought for you after you was hit by a car. I meant it, I loved you I still do but not in the same way. It killed me to let you go, it hurts that I did not invite you and your like this. I'm sorry, I'm such a idiot. I don't deserve you, I say nothing. I just sit their, fine don't talk to me. Well talk when you feel better, I don't want to rush anything. I fall asleep, on Johnny's shoulder, I'm sorry.

Fabio's POV

Amore I say, realising he's asleep. Johnny says want to swap, will be better if he wakes up to his husband and not me. No you both need to sort this out, he was so hurt when I told him. I'm such a fool, I mess up all the time. He had so many messages, people asking where he was, if he knew about the part and if he was invited. He just said he was ill, he could of threw me under the bus, yes he could of John. But he has chosen not to, he did not want to ruin you relationship with you friends or ruin you party.

I don't know how this happened, what it does not make sense. I could of sworn I sent it him, I had a list. He was a the top, I wanted him there I wanted you both there. I thought he knew John, when he never mentioned I thought it was because he wasn't gonna come. Because of his heart, he's not allowed to be alone or flying. But he would have for you and any of the people he loved, I tried so hard Johnny I did.

But I sent a invite I know I did, look I checked him of the list. His name is above mine, so you must of. Hang on one sec, Johnny rings someone. Hey Kenz, you ok. I have to ask you something, you helped me with the guest list for my party correct. Yeah, how come my bestfriend Sunil did not get a invite, she goes quite. Kenz tell me, he did. DONT LIE TO ME, I'm not. KENZIE TELL ME THE TRUTH, I just thought it would hurt you. I did not want you to be taken the piss out off for having you EX their, you could of done so much better. I did not want to embarrass you by him being their, FUCK YOU KENZ. HOW ARE YOU SO STUPID, EVERYONE AT THE PART KNOWS AND LIKES HIM. THEY LOVE HIS PERSONALITY, BECAUSE OF YOU I COULD LOOSE MY BESTFREIND. YOUR SUCH A BITCH, FUCK YOU.

Johnny its ok, no it isn't Fabz. Were done, he's never gonna listen to me. He warned me, not really warned me. He just said he was gonna, cut of people who hurt him. I'll help you, this wasn't your fault John. I hug him, I feel terrible. I'm such a idiot, fucksake.

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