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Fabio's POV
I begin to write on notes, how I feel.

Look at the position I have put Sunil in, he does not deserve this. He's been through enough, I'm making it worse. If I never met him, or fell in love with him he would be safe. My dad Is right I always fuck things up, I always put others in risk. Who don't deserve it, I'm bad news I don't deserve anyone. I chose to fulfil my life, I had choices. I'm a fuck up, but yet Amore still loves me. I don't deserve it, I put him and his children at risk for what. So I could be in love, is that really important. I'm messed up boy, with no mom. But a person who still loves me, after his father in law stabbed and nearly killed him. I really want to go, but I need him. I'm being selfish, all the people Sunil Loves and cares about are at risk. Who am I to make him be in this situation, I'm a useless fuck up. The day I met Sunil, i was gonna do the same. But seeing him, made me think. I can't do this, people need me like Sunil, Andrea and Biago. I would of lost my mom, but of I did kill myself Sunil would be safe and my mom might still be alive.

I'm just poision, putting all the people I love in danger. The person who means the most to me, the person I almost lost. The person who makes me whole a better person, but if I leave and go to my dad he will be safe. But he'll loose me, I can't do that to him. But if he's safe that's all that matters, we had to leave the place he loved. Loose the people he trusts and loves, I wish when I left I never came back. He would be safe, fuck I always make mistakes. What was I made for, what is my purpose. To just kill people, be a pyscho like my dad. Their is no point, my destiny it to be a murder and a looser. Who won't have anyone to love me, or protect me. I just make people leave, I just cause issues.

Amore your awake, yes I say. I put my phone on the bed. I wonder if he saw it, but he would of said something. Fabio you with me I say, yes was just thinking. About what he says, you. Why me, on how much I love you. I kiss him, Amore can I go to the toilet. Sure why you asking, you looked comfortable wrapped around me. I was but duty call he says, I laugh. You coming back he says, no im gonna make you breakfast then I will. Fine I say, I love you he says. I love you to Amore, more than anyone.

Sunil's POV

I saw everything Fabio wrote, but I did not want to mention I or make it awkward or stress him out. He's just buried his mom, but I'll give him a suttle message. That I do anything for him, even if that means leaving my home for him. I begin writing a song.

Hour later he says Breakfast, the kids run downstairs. He runs up, he you go Amore he says.

Fabio read this please, sure he says.

We've be sneakin

With the blazing sun in me

With a bullet in my leg, with a fire in my hand

Weight of the ones I love on my shoulders

I can see everything, so don't creep or sneak

No I won't run, but I may have too

I'll do what I can, to protect my people

While the sun blazes and the sky turns dark, I'll fight for who I can

So I'm gonna Rise up, bring my people with me
Together we are going to a brand new horizon

Far across the mountain,far across the river, Far across the sky

Can you hear protection calling

Calling me to protect them, so I'm gonna answer

I got to keep on going on

I feel this fierceness in my bones

Even in the morning

Before the sun rises and shines

We gotta keep moving

Towards the safety line

Crossing through hell stone and brimstone to protect the people

You know I've got a stubborn mind

I don't care if I spill my blood, for my mission of salvation

I'll fight with the ferocity of the sun, until my dying breath

So I'm gonna Rise up, bring my people with me

We are going to a new home over the horizon

So I'm gonna Rise up, bring my people with me

Far across the mountain,far across the river, Far across the sky

Can you hear freedom calling, calling me to follow the call

I'm gonna keep on going, I'll do anything for you

I know what we have gone through, but I know what's to come

You may think it's hard to face, but im not alone neither are you

If I fail and fall I'll be raised up

But the Lord know what I'm doing, what he needs to do
The stars will light up the sky, I will light the path

So I need to be raised up

So I'm gonna Rise up, bring my people with me

Together we are going to a brand new horizon

Far across the mountain,far across the river, Far across the sky

Can you hear protection calling

Calling me to protect the people, so I need to answer

Gotta keep on going, I'll never stop along as I have you I'll always fight
So I'm gonna Rise up, bring my people with me

We are going to a new home over the horizon

So I'm gonna Rise up, bring my people with me

We are going to a new horizon

So I'm gonna Rise up, bring my people with

I hear freedom calling,so need to answer

We're gonna keep on going

I feel it in my bones the fury

I do anything for you, I'll prepare the plan

I go to prepare a place of protection for you

I'll do anything for you, even if that means leaving home

I'll protect you will all I have, I'll prepare my sacrifice for the greater good.

He cries, you saw what I wrote didn't you. Yeah, not of it is true. If you fele like that, I failed you. But know it is not true, your not worthless. You means so much to me, your worth so much to me. Your not like your dad, your far from it. You would never hurt me, but I would of have to. You wouldn't Fab I know, I trust you with my life. The things you had to do, you had no choice. What was you gonna do, run off. You had no one or no money, but your out of it. Your dad is alone, he isn't he has the Maffia. Who do we have, me I say. But your, nah not when I have a mission I'll Rise up, I'll protect all my people. You would be shocked, I have always been prepared for battle. I have learnt the Sikh warriors style of fighting, I'm trained in it. Trained how the Vikings were, Sword Skill is my strong point. But they will ahev guns, Fab I have ways trust me. You can't do this alone, I'll come to. No, if I die the kids will need you. But you can barely walk, I pray. A light hits me, I get up. See Fab, I have been tasked to protect my people. I will see you soon Fab, I love you. But how do you know their is war, trust me. In 5,4,3,2,1 a message comes through, it's your dad. He wants to meet in Icleand mountain, their he will see me.

Tomorrow, you need me. Fab I'll be fine, please I need you here. But you'll die, Fab have faith in me. Like God does, he hugs me tight.

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