Chapter 4:

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Back with Sally and Larry when they appeared inside The Tower Of London. Sally quickly said "oh come on. Did he really just do that." Larry switch on his flashlight and said "yeah looks like he did but let's be honest here Sally he's was always going to do that." Sally quickly said back to him "yeah I know but it doesn't mean I have to like it." She then switched on her flashlight as Larry said "come on let's take a look around." They both started moving though the pitch black Unit base that was scarily quite and as they were walking though the hallway Sally said with discomfort "its not right this place being this quite." "Yeah it's very unsettling isn't it." Larry said back as they both went and checked inside Osgood lab and she quickly said "hello, Osgood are you in here?" She didn't get answer back as they both looked around her empty lab. They both just looked at each other and Sally said "this isn't good Larry." Larry said back to that "it's not looking good. Maybe they all got out before the sphere came through." "We can only hope that happens otherwise this world will be very vulnerable." Sally said back with concern and Larry quickly said back to that "that's why we need to find them. The world needs Unit. Come on let's carry on looking." After he said that they both quickly left Osgood's lab.

Once they both left the lab they made there way though the rest of base and it was t long before the air started to fill with dust. This was making it hard for Sally and Larry to breath properly and became clear why they were struggling the breath when they saw the storage room had completely collapsed. Sally and Larry both looked at each other before quickly rushing over to the door that was completely hanging off its hinges as it got shoved off by a load of rubble and as they both got closer they saw a hand sticking out of the rubble and Sally said she got a glimpse "Larry there's someone stuck in there." He quickly saw what she was telling him and soon as he got there he pulled the hanging door off and chucked it on the floor while Sally quickly started moving the rubble to see who it was and she soon saw that it was Osgood "dam it." Larry said as he saw her lying there unconscious before he quickly pulled her out of the rubble and quickly started feeling for a pulse. Sally then said "is she alive?" "Give me a second." After he said that he then found the pulse and said "I've got it. She alive." Sally said back in relief "thank god." Before she touch Osgood on the side of the face and said "Osgood can you hear me? It's Sally." When Osgood heard Sally voice she slowly started opening her eyes and she said to her in a gentle tone "Sally. You need to warn The Doctor something came here from The Void." She quickly said back to her "it's okay he already knows and we're dealing with it." Larry then said to her "is there anyone else in here or is was it just you?" Osgood said back "no. Others were in there with me." Larry then just looked at Sally and said "I'm going in to look for them you stay here with her." And as he got to his feet and started walking towards the destroy storage room Sally looked over her shoulder and said to him "Larry, be careful." He just looked back at her and nodded his head before he disappeared inside.

As he started making his way through the storage room he quickly come across body of Unit soldiers but it wasn't long before he started here somewhere moving rubbish and he just said "hello who is there?" He quickly got an answer back from Kate saying "over here. I need help." Larry then quickly started running towards her voice. When his flashlight finally caught sight of her Larry said "Kate who else is down here with you?" Kate said as she kept pulling rubble out of the way "Osgood, Sully and some of my soldiers." Larry quickly said "it's okay we have Osgood. She's with Sally but I'm sorry your other men are gone." Kate said back to him "dam it. I shouldn't have brought anyone down here I should cleared out the whole building and none of this would have happened." "No stop doing that Kate. This isn't on you but I say we get out of here right now before this all falls down on top of us." Kate shook her head and said back "no I'm not leaving till I get Sully out of here." "Alright but take it slow move the wrong thing and we'll all die." Larry said back as he started helping her remove the rubble to get to Sully.

It didn't take them long till they both got a glimpse of Sully unconscious on the floor covered with rubble "SULLY!" Kate shouted as soon as she saw him before she started picking up speed with moving the rubble to get to him. As she was doing that everything around started making a shifting sound and Larry quickly said in worry "Kate I really think you should slow down." "We don't have time to slow down. He could be serious injury." Kate said back in a panic as she carried on removing rubble. Everything on top of them started shifting again so Larry quickly grabbed Kate and said "Katie listen. You need to slow down otherwise all this above our head will drop on us." Kate then quickly stopped what she was doing and just listen to all the rubble moving above there head before Larry said "I can squeeze though that gab and get him out but I need you not to touch anything." Kate nodded her head and just said "okay but please get him out." Larry then touched her on her shoulder and said "don't worry I'll get him out of there." After that Larry then squeezed his way into the gap that Kate had made his way towards the unconscious Sully. As he was slowly making his way through the rubble it all kept shifting. Larry knew that whole place was going to collapse any second so he started making his way towards Sully a bit quicker and when he finally reached him he quickly picked him up and quickly started making his way back towards Kate but as he started moving everything started falling all around. All Larry could say "oh you've gotta be kidding me." He quickly started running through to get out before he got crushed and once he reached Kate he just shouted " RUN! RIGHT NOW!" She then quickly started running as he followed her closely behind while everything was collapsing behind them.

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