MSNS x Fate: The Demonic Blacksmithing Soldier

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Plot: Kyoka Uzen the soul Survivor of the destruction of her village her sword was destroyed when she was about to kill a Shuuki but that was able to get a second wind and get the girl off it and stomped her sword destroying it and now the girl had to get a new sword her master Riu gave an address to a Blacksmith's home but Riu warned Kyoka that the Blacksmith in question is a bit of a oddball she gets their and meets the Blacksmith to her surprise the blacksmith is a young man named Y/N who takes one of his "Failure" swords out of the shed and is about to give it to Kyoka but suddenly a Mato portal opens and Shuuki's come out of it Kyoka was about snatch the sword and kill the Shuuki's but Y/N begins killing the Shuuki's with said sword amazing Kyoka after the One sided slaughter Kyoka is given her sword but she asked Y/N to become her slave she tells him about her peach blessing he thought about it before looking at the girl who has hopeful eyes after some thinking Y/N made the decision to become Kyoka's slave but under two condition one he wishes to be treated as an equal and second he wants to bring his equipment with him to Mato so he can continue with his work and be able to accomplish his dream Kyoka curious asked about his dream Y/N said it's to create a sword that can Cut through Fate, Bonds and karma the deal is made but what Y/N doesn't know was that he would be involved in many events that he'll have to somehow deal with the many the girl who find themselves attracted to him

Name: Y/N Muramasa
Hair color: Red
Eye color: Ember
Gender: Male
Race: Japanese. Human. Magi. Swordsman. Martial artist
Age: 20
Vital status: Alive

 Martial artist Age: 20 Vital status: Alive Appearance:

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1. Mato Seihei No Slave x Fate
2. Senji Muramasa
3. Male Reader
4. Romance
5. Blacksmith
6. Love
7. Harem
8. Swordsmanship
9. The Anti-Demon Defense Corps
10. Blood and gore
11. The eight gods of thunder
12. MageCraft

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