Marvel x OPM: The Somewhat Boring of The Strongest Hero

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Plot: Y/N was a kid as he wanted to become a super hero like the Avengers and X-men and the fantastic four so that's what he did he trained and studied all so he could become a hero and as he was making his debut he would fight against a villain but unfortunately the man was getting his ass kicked around Y/N desperately tries his best to protect a big chin kid but luckily some heroes come in and as Y/N watches them he realizes that he doesn't have what he it takes to be like them but Thor comes over to the young man and tells Y/N that he did a good job and that if trains more he would easily be able to deal the villain this encourages him and the boy goes for three years to become stronger Y/N trained and trained to the point that his body was begging him to stop his muscles tear and bones cracking every bit of his body was crying in pain his mind suffering from the intense heat to help strengthen its mentality and his body shaking from the numbing cold after THREE WHOLE YEARS of none stop training the young man has become but their was a problem Y/N had become TO STRONG to the point that ONE punch was all he needed to end a fight Y/N felt disappointed that he wouldn't be able to enjoy a thrilling fight but his mother told him that even though he can't enjoy a fight that doesn't mean he can't use his power to help protect the lives of innocent people and that's what Y/N will do but how will the heroes the people be able to react to such a powerful being that Y/N has become it seems Y/N's life won't be so boring

Name: Y/N Sakurako
Hair color: None
Eye color: Orange
Gender: Male
Race: Human.
Age: 23
Vital status: Alive
Nationality: Japanese

 Age: 23Vital status: Alive Nationality: Japanese Appearance:

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1. Marvel x One Punch Man
2. Harem
3. Male Reader
4. Romance
5. Blood and gore
6. Love
7. Magic
8. Fluff and smut
9. Gods and monsters
10. The supernatural
11. Original Characters
12. The avengers

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