Plot: Y/N Usagiyama is a young man who inspires to become a Pokémon trainer the boy wishes to meet many Pokémon and travel the world the day finally comes as the young man goes to get his first starter Pokémon but he bumps into a situation where he see a Pokémon bullying another Y/N jumps in to help the Pokémon but In doing so the young man is late to get his starter Pokémon but unfortunately they did not have any but professor oak gives Y/N a Pikachu for his starter Pokémon and by surprise the Pokémon he helped also wishes to come along with that the boy goes his journey unknown that there would be many obstacles that will test Y/N's resolve to become a Pokémon master can Y/N rise up and overcome the hardships that would try to stop him from accomplishing his goal?!
Name: Y/N Usagiyama
Hair color: Black
Eye color: Purple
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Age: 16
Vital status: Alive
1. Pokémon franchise series
2. Romance
3. Male Reader
4. Harem
5. Determination
6. Love
7. Team rocket
8. Fluff and smut
9. Original Characters
10. Drama
11. Comedy
12. Blood and gore
Story idea book part 1
FanfictionYep here is another story idea book I just have a lot of ideas in my head so yeah